It's Smiling me. H i! Welcome to my room. First of all, let me have the pleasure of congratulating you for being one of those rarest breed of species, who has ever visited this site.

Anyway, since you have dropped in, you might be interested in knowing a little about my world, i.e., incase we don't know each other already.

My purpose of developing this site was first of all, to keep my collection of Photographs online so that all my friends and family, who are scattered all over the world, can enjoy those. Secondly, I used this opportunity to brush up my knowledge on Java Script, VB Script, HTML and ASP.

Browse through my site. Chances are that you will not find anything interesting out here. But still, I sincerely hope that you enjoy ....

This site is best viewed with with a computer and a screen. Once you get that, you better install IE 5.0 and above or Netscape 6 and above. The guys at Netscape had to upgrade their Netscape Navigator (Ver 4.xx) to 6 because it was unable to display the page formatting as I wanted it to.

This site was last updated on 05th May, 2004

Counting Stars ...