Mauss Von Krashoften


Well, That's my screen name anyway, I gained the name, well the first name, because I was working in the equivalent of a department store (for the initiated, The WareHouse, in Milford, Auckland) and I had this knack for fitting into spaces that, when you look at me, there is no way I should have been able to fit into them, because they were so much narrower then I am, people started calling me Mouse, Mouse is a cool nick name, but I decided to spell it the German way instead of the english way, because I thought it looked cooler. I took the last name, because for some reason my computer seems to have developed a knack for crashing at the most inconvenient times, as any of you who roleplay with me online know, hence, My Computer is not My Computer, but HAL 9000.

So, enough about me, and some more about me..

My real name is Sean Leslie, I refuse to give out my middle name, and I'm not gonna say why so..... I'm a 24 year old male, at least I'm 24 for the next year, liveing in Dunedin, for those of you who's Geography of Newzealand isn't up to scratch, it's down towards the bottom of the South Island, for those of you who don't know where New Zealand is, it's a group of 2 major islands, and 5 or 6 smaller ones to the east of Australia, and NO, it's NOT part of the land of Oz.

Yeah, I'm in a relationship. What do I look like? Well, go my gallery to see me.

Oh yeah, I also have email, and ICQ as well..

What's that? You want them? okay then here you go.

Hobbies.. Ummm, let me see, I Roleplay online, I'm a university Student currently doing a BSc(Chem) if all goes according to plan, this year should be my final year as an undergrad, I like Cats, and dogs, I don't really favour one over the other, as both haver thier pros and cons, I'm a practicing Christian (Yes, I said the C word) I attend the DCBC (Dunedin City Baptist Church). My hobbies include roleplaying, both online, and table top. REading, though not as much as I'd like, Music, Movies, and the occasional party, though I'm not very big on the night club scene.

Favourite music? Good question, my tastes seem to mostly run into Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Queen, the older styles of stuff, however I do enjoy some of the recent stuff, and have multiple movie sound tracks as well. which brings us to your next question..

Favourite Movie? Another excelent question, Umm, no single answer, MiB, Blade, Godzilla (Both the original, and the remake), Spawn, MK, ID4, Alien, 2001,a nd of course, Pink Floyd, the wall, to name but a few.

Food? anything that isn't moveing.

ICQ# = 24056257

email= ravey@albatross.co.nz


Ummm, well, I suppose, seeing as how it's tradition, I should give you a page with some of my favourite links shouldn't I?

Well, again, here you go.

And here's a list of all my online roleplaying C's.

and the pictures that I use for them.

I should say that if there are any problems email the web master, but oops, that's me.
