Joe Kuul
Hi, Sorry for the bland site for now but I just changed services and I will need to recreate my site here.
If you came over to see all my funny lists and stuff, rest assured I will be putting them back up as soon as I have time.  I forgot how many lists I had setup before.

Please send me some feedback...good, bad, or indifferent.
I use a couple CHAT programs and love chatting. If you want to, email me and I will contact you. I have been using computers since before I was in High School (My first computer was a Commodore VIC-20 with a whopping 4K RAM.) but started getting online when I started college. I used to spend too many hours using Relay Chat that the old mainframe used. 

Today people are spoiled with graphical clients and TONS of people online. It used to be rare to find someone who HAD an email address, and someone who used it regularly was even more of a find. Now I have 4 I use and even more orphaned accounts out there. Know any other of my emails that I forgot?

Now, it is likely that most of your friends, relatives, and employers have email at least. (maybe more than one) I have gone through many web sites of my own, but am always looking to make a really neat one. I went through my animated GIF phase, even a few based on frames. I have used many of the free servers, but have been toying with getting my own domain. Is that vanity or just geeky-ness? I'm not sure either.

I graduated college in 1991 with a GPA of 3.7 earning dual majors in Computer Applications and Business Management. I was also ONE class short of a minor in Behavioral Science. My parents were sure I just wanted to go to school forever. And to be honest?.I loved college. If I won the lotto, I'd go back to either finish my Engineering Degree (to go with my Business Management and Computer Applications degrees) or maybe go into law. I would live in the dorm and be a real pain to the RA's. I was one for 3's my turn!!

Hope you contact me...I like to hear from people who visit here, and keep your eyes peeled, I will be revamping it as time permits.
Useful Sties
My Resume
My Info:
Name: Joe Kuul
Email: joekuul at