Happenings and Updates
TSFL The Tampon, Our Weekly Rag - Weekly Fantasy Football Updates
Picks to Kick 2001 - I know you're dyin' to keep track of these
Shocks 2000: 16" Softball Team Stats, Sundays, Mt Greenwood Park
16" Softball Hall of Fame: Chicago's Year 2000, Hurley is still snubbed | '98 indutcee Al Oziemkowski
Charity for Mike Budz Son Michael: Bowling Outing on 4-8-00, Click here for the Info on how to help little Michael's disease research.
Springsteen: Playlist of all Bruce Shows in 1999 thru 6-8-2000
Hoop Stories: Updated (5-99) IU Graduation and Departure Information
Message Board: Houli's World Message Board
Check It Out: Tamasee - Your Outdoor Supplier: Maps, Guides, Camping, Hiking, Fishing

Good Stuff
Interests and Events - Nuke Fest 99 | U Hes Charity Golf Outing | Weber Cooking
Springsteen in September -
Goin' Yard - Weber Cooking| Tabasco Rules | Coleman Cooler | Old
Bay | Chicago Beer Society | Beer Links (not bratwurst either) | Real Beer | The Post Meal Burps | Coleman Cooler | Staush's Recipe's | Tip World Food Network (Emril)
Radio - WXRT Radio Chicago | WXPN Philadelphia | Net Radio Broadcast.com | Links to 100 Stations | Concerts on the Web | Grateful Dead Radio | Eclectic Radio Choices | Public Radio | The Score WSCR | Bloomberg News | Net Radio Network | Art Bell | Kim Komando | One on One Sports
General Information- Word.com | Salon.com | Feedmag.com |
Lite Stuff - Food Network (Emril) | In Flight Air Tracker | Gil Thorp | Help Desk | Games | Lots of FREE stuff | Clip Art | Jerk of the Week
Chicago - Chicago Night Life | Events and Tourism | Getting Around | Find a Bar, Your Choice | Midwest Beer Events | Chicago Sidewalk.com | Brookfield Zoo | WXRT Radio | 16" Softball Hall of Fame
Music - Bruce | Steven Van Zandt | Concert on the Web
Electronics - Adcom | American Digital CD Recorders | Pioneer | Nakamichi |Panasonic | Mitsubishi | RCA | Sherwood | Sony | Yamaha | B&W Speakers | Cambridge SoundWorks |
Bose | Niles | Paradigm Speakers | Definitive Speakers | Alpine | Crutchfield | Douglas TV | ABT Electronics | J&R Music World | Billy Bags | CD Storage Cabinets |
Computer - Beyond | Computer Jargon | PC Mall | PC World Shopper | Gateway | Dell
Music - Tunes-Marlton, NJ The Best! |Amazon
| Tunes.com | CheckOut.com | CD Now | CD Universe | Music Boulevard | Every CD | Borders | Rock Reviews/News | MP-3 Music
Auctions - E-Bay | Excite Auctions | Yahoo Auctions | U-Bid | Everything is 1/2 price | Shop Auction | Yahoo | Buy It Now | I-Mall | Amazon
Books - Tamasee Maps and Outdoors Equipment | Borders OnLine |Amazon
Automobile - Car Accories | Used Cars Nationally | Auto Web | Edmunds Car Shopper | Tires
Sporting Gear - Golf Gods .com | ChipShot .com | Just Balls | Skate Shack Inline and Boards | Clothing/Hats | Discounted Gear | Golf Equipment
Real Estate - Chicago West
Travel - MS Travel | Price Line
Retail - Spiegel | Sears | Office Max
Greetings - Hallmark | E Greetings
Miscellaneous - Consumer Info | Lots of FREE stuff |
Sports - Baseball
| The Leprechauns | Basketball | Bowling | Golf | NASCAR |
Baseball - Fantasy Stats thru June 20 (Excel) |Houli's 99 Hitting (Excel) | USA
Today baseball statistics | AL 98 | NL 98 | AL 98 Position | NL 98 Position | MLB 1992-97 | Stats Inc. | Chaun Verses | Jerk of the Week
Softball - Chicago 16" Hall of Fame | Softball Links
Basketball - Mike Pegram, Real College News | NCAA
Team Finder | Indiana Hoosier News | IU Graduates | Fort Wayne Sports| Evansville Courier Sports
| Coach Bob Knight
| His Own Words
| Current News | Fans Only (Team Message Boards) | Fight Songs | Lyrics | History of College Basketball | Clothing/Hats | Jerk of the Week
Financial Assistance - Vegas Hotel Odds
Bowling - PBA | Walter Ray Williams Jr. (Dead Eye)
Golf - The PGA |New Product "Greased Shaft" |Golf Reservations | Golf Equipment | Illinois Golf Information | Golf Products | Just Balls |
Recording Artist Stuff -
Bruce Springsteen - Bruce Boots and More | Backstreets | 70's Best | 80's Best | 90's Best |
Grateful Dead Links - Dead Links | Dead Roots | Dead Chats |

Serious Stuff
- Chicago Tribune | The News Hub | Indianapolis Star | Minneapolis Star Tribune | NY
Times | Arizona News | Wall Street Journal | Reuters | AP | MSNBC | Business Today |
Research - Ask Jeeves | Acronym Finder | Tech Acornyms and more | Just the Facts | Forrester | Business 2.0 | Businesses in Court | AnyWho.com |
Reading - Recent
Books |Read Chapter One of any CSpan Reviewed Book |
Magazines |
Tamasee Outdoor Books | Fast Company | Business
2.0 | Fortune | The Sporting News (The Fly) |
Technology - Tibune Tech | Wired | ZDNet | E.Comm Technology Good stuff here! | Tech-PR News| Computer.com | Tech News | Business2.0 | Fast Company | C-Net | Help Desk | HTML Workshop | HTML Goodies | Tip World | PC World
E-Commerce - Publicizing Web Pages | Wired | ZDNet | E-Commerce Guide |E.piphany | Business2.0 | Fast Company | C-Net | E-Commerce Links | HTML Workshop | HTML Goodies | Tech News | PC World
Weather - Weather Labs | The Weather Channel | In Flight Air Tracker
Business - Forrester Research |
Sports - Up to the Minute Sports | The Sporting News | ESPN | The Score WSCR | IU Hoops Stuf | Fox | CBS SportsLine | USA Today
| 1 on 1 Sports
Careers - Virtual Job Fair | Future Step
Portals - Yahoo | Excite | Lycos | Google | AltaVista | GeoCities |
Snap | HotBot | About | Northern Lights |
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