Guide to DHTML As a self-proclaimed webmaster, I try my best to keep up with the latest in web technology. My current endeavor is DHTML, or Dynamic HTML. After hearing a lot about this technology and how it will eventually revolutionize the internet, I thought I had to get off the couch and start learning about it, before I lose the right to call myself a "webmaster". If you're just as clueless as I am when it comes to DHTML, this is the site for you. I'll be using this place to share with you what I've learned (and am learning) about Dynamic HTML. They say it's never too late to learn anything. I say, it's never too early either! Here's a brief TOC listing what's on this site:
New! Due to popular request, you can now download the entire tutorial for offline browsing. Click here to download. Recommended DHTML Resources...
This site is copyrighted 1998 David Gardner. All rights reserved |