Dominique, Tina, Sara and Florence Faidherbe-Tisci
Since Oct 1999, we have a daughter, Sara. Here are some pictures of this future star.
Since Oct 2001, we have a second daughter, Florence. Here is the first

Dominique's interests
Tina - my beautiful wife
Florence - ourdaughters
Sr Systems Engineer/ Architect for
BEA Systems - my job
Windsurfing, computers and gardening - my hobbies
Italy (the food, the country and the people!)
Food! barbecue, tex-mex, italian, indian...
Reading (
Michael Connelly, John Connolly, Dan Brown, Ian Rankin, Thomas Harris...
Linux - Visit the Ubuntu belgian team
Tina's passions
A born sales! She is now doing product demonstration in supermarkets
Cooking - she is the best italian cook around!
Sewing - skirts, shirts, dresses have no secrets for her
Quilting and needlework
Les anges
Tina is now a
WeightWatchers coach!
Our place and things
Our cats (Julie the Siamese and Sissi the European cat)
Our House in the little town of
Binche ( Belgium )
Our future Home (town of Estinnes (Belgium)
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