Your arrival here betokens a knowledgeable curiosity, bolstered by pleasing 'net savvy'.
Which is fine!
Except... this page may not satisfy your inquiring mind.
It's here because the 'rules' say there must be an 'index.html'. They don't say anything about what the page has to include as 'content'.
Also fine...
This site is home for a variety of subjects of interest to me and possibly to you. They include, but are not limited to, politics, the law, literature and the occasional 'find' of something I consider worth making available to others.
Mostly by invitation...
If you'd like to know more, drop a note to me, Briame Gerdan, and I or one of my minions will try to get back to you.
Or, if you insist, the tip of the iceberg for the site can be seen at Briame Gerdan's Home Page. Thanks for slipping by...
Created: 22Oct98 -
Last Modified: 12Oct99 at 0001 (GMT)
You are 'intelligent intruder" number
since 22Oct98.