Sai Love is not like a reservoir to be drained dry.
It is even much more than a natural spring. The longer and the farther it flows,the stronger and the deeper
and the clearer it becomes. After all it is HE WHO has created it!
Today December 3, 1998 at 7.00 P.M IST, I have initiated a lonely (?) battle against Dr. Lane and his supporters and associates who are engaged in wrong propaganda against Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who the whole world knows, is a gentle, loving, humane avathar. Let me not now talk of Him being God in human form. I have today sent an E-mail to Dr. Lane hoping him to publish it in his "Neural Surfer Page" The following is the text of the e-mail:
Some people attain fame (infamy?) by always questioning and challenging everything. Some have fame and greatness thrust upon them. Some are born great. I myself was not a sai-devotee until 1996. But subsequent events in my life, as well as past events have proved beyond doubt that He has indeed been responsible for the miracles that have happened to me.
For one, I was a chain smoker from 1965 to 1991 Sep when all of a sudden I gave up smoking abruptly one fine morning. Later I learnt that my mother had written a letter to Sai Baba requesting him to make me give up smoking. You may not believe it.
I have never had any interviews with him. Only had a close darshan on four occasions in Brindavan and Puttaparthi.
You must visit my websites
In this I have built a purely reverential site with borrowed pictures audio files and texts as well as with my own. In the following site
I plan to counter the malicious propaganda that is being carried out through sites like yours. I have become a Sai devotee at the later part of my life and it is not so easy for any one to dislodge my faith. Believe me I am also a rational being. But still I have witnessed miracles even as a child. My father’s sister was a clairvoyant and I have had experiences of her clairvoyance. I have never doubted it.
My father was a staunch devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. I very vividly remember even to-day. While I was a child of 4 or 5 years my elder sister was laid up with high fever. My father at that time was not having money to pay a doctor. Nevertheless my mother brought a doctor expecting him (the doctor) to be humane.
The doctor first demanded the fees because he thought he might not be able to recover his fees later. My father virtually threw him out of the house (by words only) and later intensely prayed before a picture of Shirdi Baba and applied “Vibuthi” on the forehead of my sister. In a matter of 30 minutes the fever receded and she became completely alright the very next day.
Last year my own son was cured of his brain tumour and sever head ache. I am not any propagating agent of Prasanthi Nilayam Nor does Baba need any PR men for him. As He very rightly says His life is His message. I have met many people of eminence who can bear testimony to many miracles performed by Baba.
However I have not been present during any of the occasion when he produced rings, chains etc. Only twice I have seen him materialising “vibuthi”. I have two video tapes showing him apporting a small book during 1996 Christmas and another where he produces a gold chain for a dance performer. I have checked these thoroughly by using “pause” and “still” functions and am convinced there is no sleight of hand as claimed by you people.
From time immemorial Ravanas have existed along with Ramas. But everyone knows who ultimately prevailed over who.
I shall very much appreciate it if you publish this e-mailV. Krishnan
I had again sent a reminder to Dr. Lane on 10th December evening at 5.40 P.M. (IST) enclosing a copy of the above E-mail as follows:-
Dear Dr. Lane
A few days ago I had sent to you the following e-mail through your Neural Surfer Website. I am not sure if it reached you. Hence I am sending it to you again.
Please do not take anything personal. Even R. K. Karanjia was a very strong critic of Sathya Sai Baba. Perhaps you are aware how he was transformed after he had an interview with Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
I myself was not a believer in Him for a long time.(but however I did not participate in, or contribute to, any crticisms against him) But now I am convinced about his divinity.You have every right to keep your views. I only request to you make a thorough investigation of whatever is written to you by whosoever and then only start supporting those views.
You may however publish anybody's article/report without owning responsiblity, but disclosing the source. Not that I am trying to teach you anything. You are a professional as well as a scholar.
Hoping to have lively sessions of correspondence with you.With regards
Yours sincerely
V. Krishnan
Click below to see further correspondence with Sai Critics where you will also see excerpts of my letter to a Loving Sai friend explaining why I am undertaking this fight against crtics of Swami.
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