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GK Welcome to Nazareth Homepage. GK (Gandhikumar Kanagaraj) is the founder of this website. He is a Software Engineer with good academic background. He has his Engineering degree from Madras University on 1993 and has been worked as a programmer for major companies like IBM, AIR etc.

He formed this site as an outcome of all his knowledge and intention to make the world small. In his childhood itself he was dedicated his life to professional way to implement new technologies and applied as well to our daily life.

Nazareth is his home town. Nazareth homepage has been developed to share the information about our home style and lifestyle and culture of our people who lives in Nazareth. Nazareth is a small town located at Tuticorin district, Tamilnadu state, India. Tamil is our language.

In addition to that, it will tell briefly about the founder of this website who resides in Florida, USA. To study more about him click here.

Currently there are various stories behind this small town which are not going to be buried. To know more about click story here. To be more attractive to Nazareth is the St. Johns Church located at center of the town.

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