<BGSOUND SRC="/purple_violet1999/1.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
White Mansion Memories
Welcome to my world, a world of dolls, family, friends, music and Prince.  I have been an avid collector of dolls for over 25 years and this is what remains of my collections as most have been sold off to pay for meds and docs because of diabetes/  Enjoy the show and while some parts are still under construction I hope you enjoy the rest. Be patient, I am very slow. Use your
browsers back button to get back to the main pages . 
This is my most favorite doll, my husband bought her for me from an antique shop. She is an old window display doll. When you plug her up she fans herself. Her dress is so beautiful, her hair is so beautiful with is pearls.  Just one of over 200 dolls in my collection.
Click on pic to go there
But one day I'll live in a big white mansion at the top of the road
i"m gonna wear the latest fashion
I'm gonna be happy don't u know?
excerpt from Prince Song, White Mansion.  Visit my prince page.
My ?Family
Dolls for Sale
Prince Memories
Red Ridinghood Dolls
Halloween page