It's not that I'm being a snob or anything, but if you're reading this message, then it's probably a good idea to consider using a browser that supports current web standards. This site will still work, but it will definitely look much better on a more up-to-date browser. So will everything else on the Web. So now you know!
Adam Drake

Skill Set

· HTML (4.1, including CSS1, CSS2)
· JavaScript
· Flash 5 with functionality-based ActionScripting
· ASP / VBScript
· Oracle (8i / 9i)
· MS SQL Server
· Linux / FreeBSD
· Windows 2000 / XP Pro
· Photoshop
· Word
· Excel

Career Experience

Mar. 2002 - Present: Webkrew / Siintech / InstaClick
Server-Side Developer
I was responsible for building a large number of back-end based statistics and redirection functionality. Very little of what I did at these website production companies was visually based and instead had to do with reading files or data from remote servers around the world as specific pages were loaded or when certain site statistics were requested. All of my work was in PHP or Perl hitting a MySQL database and was used by some 50 or 60 domains.

Jun. 2000 - Mar. 2002: Freelance Website Developer / DBA
Website Development Consulting
Responsible for implementation and maintenance of Internet sites for parent and client companies including composition and construction of user interface, functional design, data modeling, server-side application development, site organization and, in some cases, graphic design and extensive site maintenance. Clients include:

· (Vancouver)
· (Vancouver)
· (Vancouver)
· (Seattle, Toronto, Vancouver)
· Pour Annick (Tokyo)
· Undertunes (Vancouver, Tokyo)
· (Toronto)
· (Calgary, Toronto)
· Rogers Communications / (Vancouver)
· (Vancouver)
· (Vancouver.)

Sep. 1999 - Mar. 2000: NuTrak Systems
Oracle Database Specialist
Web Application Developer

Responsible for creation of fully dynamic Web-based application using Oracle 8i suite and PL/SQL procedures and functions, including full data model, for an online healthcare / diet / fitness solution.

1994-1999: Nettwerk Productions
Web Site Administrator
Database Developer


· Nettwerk Records
· Nettwerk Management
· Sarah McLachlan
· Bryan Adams
· Lilith Fair
· Nettwerk Mail Order

Responsible for creation, data modelling, programming and maintenance of Internet sites for Nettwerk and all umbrella companies. Sites included Nettwerk Records [], Nettwerk Management [], Sarah McLachlan [, but also including an extensive fanclub website as well], Bryan Adams [], Lilith Fair [] and Nettwerk Mail Order [] (which is now integrated with and included numerous and extensive administrative tools and functions. In the case of Werkshop, I was responsible for building an entire customized e-commerce solution from scratch. All of these sites were very large-scale and incorporated Oracle database and application server technology.

Educational Experience

University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Trebas Institute of Recording Arts, Vancouver, British Columbia

Professional Recognition was featured as an MSN Daily Diversion link and received more than 3,000 visitors in a two day period, Jun. 2001.
SunLikeStar was featured as both an MSN Daily Diversion and an featured music link, Jul. and Sep. 2001 was a Cool Site of the Day in 1995 and 1997
Panelist, 1997, New Music West Conference, Vancouver BC
Panelist, 1997, Canadian Music Week, Toronto ON
Panelist, 1996, CMJ Festival, New York NY

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