The Mathamaticial World

"the answer to your mathmaticial problems"

Welcome To My Site

  It is probably obvious by now I am not a web site designer, or good at
writing HTML (hypertext markup language). And I’am not in any way shape or
form an exspert in the feilds of mathamatics.The main perpous of this site is to
help anyone that need infomation on the subject of math, a subject that many
people have trouble dealing with. So in cunclution I hope you find what you are
looking for. If you can't find what you are looking for here, fill free to use the search

engine at the bottom of the page.

What is Math

	The dictionary difines math as "Mathematics" and the dictionary defines


"The study of number, form, arrangement, and associated relationships, Using rigorously defined literal, numerical, and operationial symbols.
1969,The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,page 806
Well this is a vary simplistic definition of math, but it is accurate. The problem with this is,that math is a vary broad subject. And can't be completly summed up in a few lesson, so this web site divoted as a referance site.
Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.


Dr.Math (diffent site!)

Fractions and Division

© 1997

-Name-John Miller
-Q-What is the Pathagorean Theoram exactly?
-A-"The Pythagorean Theoram" is A2+B2=C2.The 3 letters of this

equation coenside with the 3 sides of a Right Triangle. (Note that the Hypotenuse,

is letter C and that it will always be the longest side of an triangle. -F-The Pythagorean Theoram was named after Pythagoras,a greek philosopher & Mathematician

of the 16th century B.C.(lived from 569-500 B.C.).Some of his theories were;

modality,neo-Pythagoreanisn,Pythagorus trangle,Pythagorien triples,& Pythagoreanism.

-NAME-Jane Dow
-Q-I have been researching about Newton and been unable to find

any usable information for my report I'am doing.

-A- The problem that you may have had was that you were most

likley useing the wrong type of search engine. The best type of

search engine in this case is a "Metasearch engine", a meta

engine is a site were you can search many engines at once. After

find what you are looking for, but don't have enuff

information for your report use a smaller engine like "infoseek"

or "Altavista". -F- Two posible site you may whan't to look at are;

1)Sir Issac Newton

2)Sir Issac Newton

-Q-What is Circular reasoning?
-A- Circular reasoning is only used when some one is tring to

exspain something and ends up were they started, an example

would be if I asked you to exsplain what a line is and you say a

line is a set of points, they I ask why and you say because its a line.

Circular reasoning is used in most subject by students, math, psychology,

speech, english, debate, and even in history. The use of circular reasoning

shouldn't be used, since it limits your creadablity.

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