



Also known as


This page was last updated on 14th November 2005

Look at the bonny flags waving in the wind!

I'm ALWAYS working on my pages and so my part in the web will always be still under construction and I'm adding little bits and pieces that delight me whenever I can. Just like a paint job on the Forth Road Bridge...we'll get there eventually!

Hallo! Lesley [AKA Haggis] here. Howz it gaun? Thank you (((Von))) for allowing me to use this photo.

This is a page that's about me, my family, Scotland, my links with Manchester and some of my favourite web links that are local and national within the UK and the rest of the World.

I hope you like the scottish music. For as long as there are Scots all over the world we'll be listening to this kind of music. So, if you feel homesick come in and have a wee sing song. Each day of the month has a different tune. The playlist is available here.


This is Stuart Gilchrist my nephew who did stock car racing at 'Racewall, Cowdenbeath' in Fife. Stuart was Scottish F2 Champion in 2002 and runner up in the 2002 World Championship. He was a gutsy driver who is hard to catch when his car is going really well. Stuart no longer races at Cowdenbeath - he has moved on to race a new type of motor-racing at Knockhill.

Well done to the UK Womens Curling Team who got the gold at Winter Olympics, Salt Lake City 2002 - they were Scottish too!


I'm a peaceful person and I don't really like to hear about nasty things happening anywhere in the world. I obtained the following "Dove of Peace" from Ella in New Zealand. Feel free to take this and place it on your own page so that other people can copy it and so on. Let's create a chain for peace all over the world!

Feel Free to 'right click and copy' the picture below.

This candle below is for world peace. Please 'right click and copy' to place on your own page.

I heard from my friend Deb that a gentleman made the picture below in memory of his late wife. All he asks is if people would 'right click and copy' this picture to their pages.

Remember Dumblane - it could happen to YOUR school

To those families and friends worldwide who have been affected by the recent New York disaster - we will remember them in our prayers. Grateful thanks to Deb and Kath for creating these memorials.

OK so you've come this far and you want to explore. You can do this by going into the box below.

Highlight where you want to go to and click 'See you, Jimmy!' - a known Scottish phrase!

Remember to:

* sign my guest book
* take the poll
* look at the photos
* advise me of any broken links
* send an email if you need to/want to

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If you are a Scot pop in and say hello; if not still say hello, tell me where you've come from and what your connection(s) are with Scotland. If you are English, ach I don't mind - somebody has to be (tee hee hee).


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robert gordon
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