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Copyright 08/4/96 Revelation, LOA, ASH

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Hacking and Phreaking

Written: 08/4/96
Volume: 1

For those of you who are wondering "what do the letters "LOA" under his handle stand for?" Well, LOA stands for Legion Of the Apocalypse, which is a group of elite hackers and phreakers in my area.

The current members of LOA are:

Revelation, Phreaked Out, Hack Attack, Electric Jaguar, and Phreak Show

I started LOA when I discovered that there were many good hackers and phreakers in my area. I thought that an organized group of hackers and phreakers would accomplish much more than an individual could by himself. Thus the Legion Of the Apocalypse was formed and has been around for a while since. Our main goal is to show the public what hacking and phreaking is all about and to reveal confidential information to the hacking/phreaking community so that we can learn more about computers, telephones, electronics, etc. We are hoping to get our own World Wide Web page soon, so keep an eye out for it. It will contain all of the hacking, phreaking, computer, telephone, security, electronics, virus, and carding information that you could possibly want.

Also, if some of you are wondering why I chose the word Revelation as my handle, well, Revelation means revealing or unveiling, which is exactly what I intend to do as a hacker/phreaker. I intend to reveal all the information that I can gather while hacking and phreaking.

Anyway, I wrote this document because I have read all the files that I could get my hands on and noticed that there has never been a really good file written that guided beginning hackers and phreakers step by step.

When I began hacking and started reading all of the beginner files, I still had many un-answered questions. My questions were eventually answered, but only through LOTS of reading and practice. In this file, I hope to give basic step by step instructions that will help beginning hackers and phreakers get started. But, DO NOT think that this will save you from having to read alot. If you want to be a hacker/phreaker, reading is the most important thing you can do. You will have to do ALOT of reading no matter what.

This document was intended for beginners, but it can also be used as a reference tool for advanced hackers and phreakers.

Please distribute this document freely. Give it to anyone that you know who is interested in hacking and/or phreaking. Post it on your World Wide Web page, Ftp sites, and BBS's. Do whatever you want with it as long as it stays UNCHANGED.

As far as I know, this is the most complete and in depth beginners guide available, that is why I wrote it. Also, I plan to have new volumes come out whenever there has been a significant change in the material provided, so keep an eye out for them. LOA is planning on starting an on-line magazine, so look for that too. And we are also starting a hacking business. Owners of businesses can hire us to hack into their systems to find the security faults. The name of this company is A.S.H. (American Security Hackers), and it is run by LOA. If you have any questions about this company, or would like to hire us, or just want security advice, please E-Mail A.S.H. at "an641839@anon.penet.fi".

This document is divided into three main sections with many different sub-sections in them. The Table Of Contents is below:

Table Of Contents:


"Use this information at your own risk. I Revelation, nor any other member of LOA, nor the persons providing this file, will NOT assume ANY responsibility for the use, misuse, or abuse, of the information provided herein. The following information is provided for educational purposes ONLY. The informaion is NOT to be used for illegal purposes. By reading this file you ARE AGREEING to the following terms: I understand that using this information is illegal. I agree to, and understand, that I am responsible for my own actions. If I get into trouble using this information for the wrong reasons, I promise not to place the blame on Revelation, LOA, or anyone that provided this file. I understand that this information is for educational purposes only. This file may be used to check your security systems and if you would like a thorough check contact A.S.H.

This file is basically a compilation of known hacking and phreaking information and some information gathered from my own experience as a hacker/phreaker. I have tried to make sure that everything excerpted from other documents was put in quotes and labeled with the documents name, and if known, who wrote it. I am sorry if any mistakes were made with quoted information."



A. What is hacking?

Hacking is the act of penetrating computer systems to gain knowledge about the system and how it works.

Hacking is illegal because we demand free access to ALL data, and we get it. This pisses people off and we are outcasted from society, and in order to stay out of prison, we must keep our status of being a hacker/phreaker a secret. We can't discuss our findings with anyone but other members of the hacking/phreaking community for fear of being punished. We are punished for wanting to learn. Why is the government spending huge amounts of time and money to arrest hackers when there are other much more dangerous people out there. It is the murderers, rapists, terrorists, kidnappers, and burglers who should be punished for what they have done, not hackers. We do NOT pose a threat to anyone. We are NOT out to hurt people or their computers. I admit that there are some people out there who call themselves hackers and who deliberately damage computers. But these people are criminals, NOT hackers. I don't care what the government says, we are NOT criminals. We are NOT trying to alter or damage any system. This is widely misunderstood. Maybe one day people will believe us when we say that all we want is to learn.

There are only two ways to get rid of hackers and phreakers. One is to get rid of computers and telephones, in which case we would find other means of getting what we want.(Like that is really going to happen.) The other way is to give us what we want, which is free access to ALL information. Until one of those two things happen, we are not going anywhere.

B. Why hack?

As said above, we hack to gain knowledge about systems and the way they work. We do NOT want to damage systems in any way. If you do damage a system, you WILL get caught. But, if you don't damage anything, it is very unlikely that you will be noticed, let alone be tracked down and arrested, which costs a considerable amount of time and money.

Beginners should read all the files that they can get their hands on about anything even remotely related to hacking and phreaking, BEFORE they start hacking. I know it sounds stupid and boring but it will definetly pay off in the future. The more you read about hacking and phreaking, the more unlikely it is that you will get caught. Some of the most useless pieces of information that you read could turn out to be the most helpful. That is why you need to read everything possible.

C. Hacking rules

  1. Never damage any system. This will only get you into trouble.
  2. Never alter any of the systems files, except for those needed to insure that you are not detected, and those to insure that you have access into that computer in the future.
  3. Do not share any information about your hacking projects with anyone but those you'd trust with your life.
  4. When posting on BBS's (Bulletin Board Systems) be as vague as possible when describing your current hacking projects. BBS's CAN be monitored by law enforcement.
  5. Never use anyone's real name or real phone number when posting on a BBS.
  6. Never leave your handle on any systems that you hack in to.
  7. DO NOT hack government computers.
  8. Never speak about hacking projects over your home telephone line.
  9. Be paranoid. Keep all of your hacking materials in a safe place.
  10. To become a real hacker, you have to hack. You can't just sit around reading text files and hanging out on BBS's. This is not what hacking is all about.

D. Getting started

The very first thing you need to do is get a copy of PKZIP or some other file unzipping utility. Nearly everything that you download from the Internet or from a BBS will be zipped. A zipped file is a file that has been compressed. Zipped files end with the extension ".zip".

Then you need to get yourself a good prefix scanner.(also known as a War Dialer) This is a program that automatically dials phone numbers beginning with the three numbers (prefix) that you specify. It checks to see if the number dialed has a carrier.(series of beeps that tells you that you have dialed a computer) Try and find a large business area prefix to scan. It is these businesses that have interesting computers. There are many good scanners out there, but I would recommend Autoscan or A-Dial. These are very easy to use and get the job done quickly and efficiently.

E. Where and how to start hacking

After you get yourself a good scanner, scan some prefixes and find some cool dialups, then do the following: From your terminal, dial the number you found. Then you should hear a series of beeps (carrier) which tells you that you are connecting to a remote computer. It should then say something like "CONNECT 9600" and then identify the system that you are on. If nothing happens after it says "CONNECT 9600" try hitting enter a few times. If you get a bunch of garbage adjust your parity, data bits, stop bits, baud rate, etc., until it becomes clear.

That is one way of connecting to a remote computer. Another way is through Telenet or some other large network.

Telenet is a very large network that has many other networks and remote computers connected to it.

Ok, here is how you would connect to a remote computer through Telenet:

First, you get your local dialup(phone number) from the list that I have provided in Section G. Then you dial the number from your terminal and connect.(If you get a bunch of garbage try changing your parity to odd and your data bits to 7, this should clear it up.) If it just sits there hit enter and wait a few seconds, then hit enter again. Then it will say "TERMINAL=" and you type in your terminal emulation. If you don't know what it is just hit enter. Then it will give you a prompt that looks like "@". From there you type "c" and then the NUA (Network User Address) that you want to connect to. After you connect to the NUA, the first thing you need to do is find out what type of system you are on.(i.e. UNIX, VAX/VMS, PRIME, etc.)

There are other things that you can do on Telenet besides connecting to an NUA. Some of these commands and functions are listed in the next section.

You can only connect to computers which accept reverse charging. The only way you can connect to computers that don't accept reverse charging is if you have a Telenet account. You can try hacking these. To do this, at the "@" prompt type "access". It will then ask you for your Telenet ID and password.

Telenet is probably the safest place to start hacking because of the large numbers of calls that they get. Make sure you call during business hours (late morning or early afternoon) so there are many other people on-line.

F. Telenet commands

Here is a list of some Telenet commands and their functions. This is only a partial list. Beginners probably won't use these commands, but I put them here for reference anyway.


c                       Connect to a host.
stat                    Shows network port.
full                    Network echo.
half                    Terminal echo.
telemail                Mail.(need ID and password)
mail                    Mail.(need ID and password)
set                     Select PAD parameters
cont                    Continue.
d                       Disconnect.
hangup                  Hangs up.
access                  Telenet account.(ID and password)

G. Telenet dialups

Here is the list of all the Telenet dialups that I know of in the U.S.A., including the city, state, and area code:
STATE,CITY:          AREA CODE:         NUMBER:

AL, Anniston            205             236-9711
AL, Birmingham          205             328-2310
AL, Decatur             205             355-0206
AL, Dothan              205             793-5034
AL, Florence            205             767-7960
AL, Huntsville          205             539-2281
AL, Mobile              205             432-1680
AL, Montgomery          205             269-0090
AL, Tuscaloosa          205             752-1472
AZ, Phoenix             602             254-0244
AZ, Tucson              602             747-0107
AR, Ft.Smith            501             782-2852
AR, Little Rock         501             327-4616 
CA, Bakersfield         805             327-8146
CA, Chico               916             894-6882
CA, Colton              714             824-9000
CA, Compton             213             516-1007
CA, Concord             415             827-3960
CA, Escondido           619             741-7756
CA, Eureka              707             444-3091
CA, Fresno              209             233-0961
CA, Garden Grove        714             898-9820
CA, Glendale            818             507-0909
CA, Hayward             415             881-1382
CA, Los Angeles         213             624-2251
CA, Marina Del Rey      213             306-2984
CA, Merced              209             383-2557
CA, Modesto             209             576-2852
CA, Montery             408             646-9092
CA, Norwalk             213             404-2237
CA, Oakland             415             836-4911
CA, Oceanside           619             430-0613
CA, Palo Alto           415             856-9995
CA, Pomona              714             626-1284
CA, Sacramento          916             448-6262
CA, Salinas             408             443-4940
CA, San Carlos          415             591-0726
CA, San Diego           619             233-0233
CA, San Francisco       415             956-5777
CA, San Jose            408             294-9119
CA, San Pedro           213             548-6141
CA, San Rafael          415             472-5360
CA, San Ramon           415             829-6705
CA, Santa Ana           714             558-7078
CA, Santa Barbara       805             682-5361
CA, Santa Cruz          408             429-6937
CA, Santa Rosa          707             656-6760
CA, Stockton            209             957-7610
CA, Thousand Oaks       805             495-3588
CA, Vallejo             415             724-4200
CA, Ventura             805             656-6760
CA, Visalia             209             627-1201
CA, West Covina         818             915-5151
CA, Woodland Hills      818             887-3160
C0, Colorado            719             635-5361
CO, Denver              303             337-6060
CO, Ft. Collins         303             493-9131
CO, Grand Junction      303             241-3004
CO, Greeley             303             352-8563
CO, Pueblo              719             542-4053
CT, Bridgeport          203             335-5055
CT, Danbury             203             794-9075
CT, Hartford            203             247-9479
CT, Middletown          203             344-8217
CT, New Britain         203             225-7027
CT, New Haven           203             624-5954
CT, New London          203             447-8455
CT, Norwalk             203             866-7404
CT, Stamford            203             348-0787
CT, Waterbury           203             753-4512
DE, Dover               302             678-8328
DE, Newark              302             454-7710
DC, Washington          202             429-7896
DC, Washington          202             429-7800
FL, Boca Raton          407             338-3701
FL, Cape Coral          813             275-7924
FL, Cocoa Beach         407             267-0800
FL, Daytona Beach       904             255-2629
FL, Ft. Lauderdale      305             764-4505
FL, Gainsville          904             338-0220
FL, Jacksonville        904             353-1818
FL, Lakeland            813             683-5461
FL, Melbourne           407             242-8247
FL, Miami               305             372-0230
FL, Naples              813             263-3033
FL, Ocala               904             351-3790
FL, Orlando             407             422-4099
FL, Pensacola           904             432-1335
FL, Pompano Beach       305             941-5445
FL, St. Petersburg      813             323-4026
FL, Sarasota            813             923-4563
FL, Tallahassee         904             681-1902
FL, Tampa               813             224-9920
FL, West Palm Beach     407             833-6691
GA, Albany              912             888-3011
GA, Athens              404             548-5590
GA, Atlanta             404             523-0834
GA, Augusta             404             724-2752
GA, Colombus            404             571-0556
GA, Macon               912             743-8844
GA, Rome                404             234-1428
GA, Savannah            912             236-2605
HI, Oahu                808             528-0200
ID, Boise               208             343-0611
ID, Idaho Falls         208             529-0406
ID, Lewiston            208             743-0099
ID, Pocatella           208             232-1764
IL, Aurora              312             896-0620
IL, Bloomington         309             827-7000
IL, Chicago             312             938-0600
IL, Decatur             217             429-0235
IL, Dekalb              815             758-2623
IL, Joliet              815             726-0070
IL, Peoria              309             637-8570
IL, Rockford            815             965-0400
IL, Springfield         217             753-1373
IL, Urbana              217             384-6428
IN, Bloomington         812             332-1344
IN, Evansville          812             424-7693
IN, Ft. Wayne           219             426-2268
IN, Gary                219             882-8800
IN, Indianapolis        317             299-0024
IN, Kokomo              317             455-2460
IN, Lafayette           317             742-6000
IN, Muncie              317             282-6418
IN, South Bend          219             233-7104
IN, Terre Haute         812             232-5329
IA, Ames                515             233-6300
IA, Cedar Rapids        319             364-0911
IA, Davenport           319             324-2445
IA, Des Moines          515             288-4403
IA, Dubuque             319             556-0783
IA, Iowa City           319             351-1421
IA, Sioux City          712             255-1545
IA, Waterloo            319             232-5441
KS, Lawrence            913             843-8124
KS, Manhattan           913             537-0948
KS, Salina              913             825-7900
KS, Topeka              913             233-9880
KS, Wichita             316             262-5669
KY, Bowling Green       502             782-7941
KY, Frankfort           502             875-4654
KY, Lexington           606             233-0312
KY, Louisville          502             589-5580
KY, Owensboro           502             686-8107
LA, Alexandria          318             445-1053
LA, Baton Rouge         504             343-0753
LA, Lafayette           318             233-0002
LA, Lake Charles        318             436-0518
LA, Monroe              318             387-6330
LA, New Orleans         504             524-4094
LA, Shreveport          318             221-5833
ME, Augusta             207             622-3123
ME, Brewer              207             989-3081
ME, Lewiston            207             784-0105
ME, Portland            207             761-4000
MD, Annapolis           301             224-8550
MD, Baltimore           301             727-6060
MD, Frederick           301             293-9596
MA, Boston              617             292-0662
MA, Brockton            508             580-0721
MA, Fall River          508             677-4477
MA, Framingham          508             879-6798
MA, Lawrence            508             975-2273
MA, Lexington           617             863-1550
MA, Lowell              508             937-5214
MA, New Bedford         508             999-2915
MA, Northampton         413             586-0510
MA, Pittsfield          413             499-7741
MA, Salem               508             744-1559
MA, Springfield         413             781-3811
MA, Woods Hole          508             540-7500
MA, Worcester           508             755-4740
MI, Ann Arbor           313             996-5995
MI, Battle Creek        616             968-0929
MI, Detroit             313             964-2988
MI, Flint               313             235-8517
MI, Grand Rapids        616             774-0966
MI, Jackson             517             782-8111
MI, Kalamazoo           616             345-3088
MI, Lansing             517             484-0062
MI, Midland             517             832-7068
MI, Muskegon            616             726-5723
MI, Pontiac             313             332-5120
MI, Port Huron          313             982-8364
MI, Saginaw             517             790-5166
MI, Southfield          313             827-4710
MI, Traverse City       616             946-2121
MI, Warren              313             575-9152
MN, Duluth              218             722-1719
MN, Mankato             517             388-3780
MN, Minneapolis         612             341-2459
MN, Rochester           507             282-5917
MN, St. Cloud           612             253-2064
MS, Gulfport            601             863-0024
MS, Jackson             601             969-0036
MS, Meridian            601             482-2210
MS, Starkville          601             324-2155
MO, Columbia            314             449-4404
MO, Jefferson City      314             634-5178
MO, Kansas City         816             221-9900
MO, St. Joseph          816             279-4797
MO, St. Louis           314             421-4990
MO, Springfield         417             864-4814
MT, Billings            406             245-7649
MT, Great Falls         406             771-0067
MT, Helena              406             443-0000
MT, Missoula            406             721-5900
NE, Lincoln             402             475-4964
NE, Omaha               402             341-7733
NV, Las Vegas           702             737-6861
NV, Reno                702             827-6900
NH, Concord             603             224-1024
NH, Durham              603             868-2924
NH, Manchester          603             627-8725
NH, Nashua              603             880-6241
NH, Portsmouth          603             431-2302
NJ, Atlantic City       609             348-0561
NJ, Freehold            201             780-5030
NJ, Hackensack          201             488-6567
NJ, Marlton             609             596-1500
NJ, Merchantville       609             663-9297
NJ, Morristown          201             455-0275
NJ, New Brunswick       201             745-2900
NJ, Newark              201             623-0469
NJ, Passaic             201             778-5600
NJ, Paterson            201             684-7560
NJ, Princeton           609             799-5587
NJ, Rahway              201             815-1885
NJ, Redbank             201             571-0003
NJ, Roseland            201             227-5277
NJ, Sayreville          201             525-9507
NJ, Trenton             609             989-8847
NM, Albuquerque         505             243-4479
NM, Las Cruces          505             526-9191
NM, Santa Fe            505             473-3403
NY, Albany              518             465-8444
NY, Binghampton         607             772-6642
NY, Buffalo             716             847-1440
NY, Dear Park           516             667-5566
NY, Hempstead           516             292-3800
NY, Ithaca              607             277-2142
NY, New York City       212             741-8100
NY, New York City       212             620-6000
NY, Plattsburgh         518             562-1890
NY, Poughkeepsie        914             473-2240
NY, Rochester           716             454-1020
NY, Syracuse            315             472-5583
NY, Utica               315             797-0920
NY, Whit Plains         914             328-9199
NC, Asheville           704             252-9134
NC, Charlotte           704             332-3131
NC, Fayetteville        919             323-8165
NC, Gastonia            704             865-4708
NC, Greensboro          919             273-2851
NC, High Point          919             889-7494
NC, North Wilkesboro    919             838-9034
NC, Raleigh             919             834-8254
NC, Res Tri Park        919             549-8139
NC, Tarboro             919             823-0579
NC, Wilmington          919             763-8313
NC, Winston-Salem       919             725-2126
ND, Fargo               701             235-7717
ND, Grand Forks         701             775-7813
ND, Mandan              701             663-2256
OH, Canton              216             452-0903
OH, Cincinnati          513             579-0390
OH, Cleveland           216             575-1658
OH, Colombus            614             463-9340
OH, Dayton              513             461-5254
OH, Elyria              216             323-5059
OH, Hamilton            513             863-4116
OH, Kent                216             678-5115
OH, Lorain              216             960-1170
OH, Mansfield           419             526-0686
OH, Sandusky            419             627-0050
OH, Springfield         513             324-1520
OH, Toledo              419             255-7881
OH, Warren              216             394-0041
OH, Wooster             216             264-8920
OH, Youngstown          216             743-1296
OK, Bartlesville        918             336-3675
OK, Lawton              405             353-0333
OK, Oklahoma City       405             232-4546
OK, Stillwater          405             624-1113
OK, Tulsa               918             584-3247
OR, Corvallis           503             754-9273
OR, Eugena              503             683-1460
OR, Hood River          503             386-4405
OR, Klamath Falls       503             882-6282
OR, Medford             503             779-6343
OR, Portland            503             295-3028
OR, Salem               503             378-7712
PA, Allentown           215             435-3330
PA, Altoona             814             949-0310
PA, Carlisle            717             249-9311
PA, Danville            717             271-0102
PA, Erie                814             899-2241
PA, Harrisburg          717             236-6882
PA, Johnstown           814             535-7576
PA, King Of Prussia     215             337-4300
PA, Lancaster           717             295-5405
PA, Philadelphia        215             574-9462
PA, Pittsburgh          412             288-9950
PA, Reading             215             376-8750
PA, Scranton            717             961-5321
PA, State College       814             231-1510
PA, Wilkes-Barre        717             829-3108
PA, Williamsport        717             494-1796
PA, York                717             846-6550
RI, Providence          401             751-7910
SC, Charleston          803             722-4303
SC, Columbia            803             254-0695
SC, Greenville          803             233-3486
SC, Spartenburg         803             585-1637
SC, Pierre              605             224-0481
SC, Rapid City          605             348-2621
SC, Sioux Falls         605             336-8593
TN, Bristol             615             968-1130
TN, Chattanooga         615             756-1161
TN, Clarksville         615             552-0032
TN, Johnson City        615             282-6645
TN, Knoxville           615             525-5500
TN, Memphis             901             521-0215
TN, Nashville           615             244-3702
TN, Oak Ridge           615             481-3590
TX, Abilene             915             676-9151
TX, Amarillo            806             373-0458
TX, Athens              214             677-1712
TX, Austin              512             928-1130
TX, Brownsville         512             542-0367
TX, Bryan               409             822-0159
TX, Corpus Christi      512             884-9030
TX, Dallas              214             748-6371
TX, El Paso             915             532-7907
TX, Ft. Worth           817             332-4307
TX, Galveston           409             762-4382
TX, Houston             713             227-1018
TX, Laredo              512             724-1791
TX, Longview            214             236-4205
TX, Lubbock             806             747-4121
TX, Mcallen             512             686-5360
TX, Midland             915             561-9811
TX, Nederland           409             722-3720
TX, San Angelo          915             944-7612
TX, San Antonio         512             225-8004
TX, Sherman             214             893-4995
TX, Temple              817             773-9723
TX, Tyler               214             597-8925
TX, Waco                817             752-9743
TX, Wichita Falls       817             322-3774
UT, Ogden               801             627-1630
UT, Provo               801             373-0542
UT, Salt Lake City      801             359-0149
VT, Burlington          802             864-0808
VT, Montpelier          802             229-4966
VT, Rutland             802             775-1676
VT, White River Jct.    802             295-7631
VA, Blacksburg          703             552-9181
VA, Charlottesville     804             977-5330
VA, Covington           703             962-2217
VA, Fredericksburg      703             371-0188
VA, Harrisonburg        703             434-7121
VA, Herndon             703             435-1800
VA, Lynchburg           804             845-0010
VA, Newport News        804             596-6600
VA, Norfolk             804             625-1186
VA, Richmond            804             788-9902
VA, Roanoke             703             344-2036
WA, Auburn              206             939-9982
WA, Bellingham          206             733-2720
WA, Everett             206             775-9929
WA, Longview            206             577-5835
WA, Olympia             206             754-0460
WA, Richland            509             943-0649
WA, Seattle             206             625-9612
WA, Spokane             509             455-4071
WA, Tacoma              206             627-1791
WA, Vancouver           206             693-6914
WA, Wenatchee           509             663-6227
WA, Yakima              509             575-1060
WV, Charleston          304             343-6471
WV, Huntington          304             523-2802
WV, Morgantown          304             292-0104
WV, Wheeling            304             233-7732
WI, Beloit              608             362-5287
WI, Eau Claire          715             836-9295
WI, Green Bay           414             432-2815
WI, Kenosha             414             552-9242
WI, La Crosse           608             784-0560
WI, Madison             608             257-5010
WI, Milwaukee           414             271-3914
WI, Neenah              414             722-7636
WI, Racine              414             632-6166
WI, Sheboygan           414             452-3995
WI, Wausau              715             845-9584
WI, West Bend           414             334-2206
WY, Casper              307             265-5167
WY, Cheyenne            307             638-4421
WY, Laramie             307             721-5878

H. Telenet DNIC's

Here is the list of all the Telenet DNIC's. These will be defined and explained in the next section:

DNIC:                NETWORK:            

02041                Datanet-1
02062                DCS
02080                Transpac
02284                Telepac (Switzerland)
02322                Datex-P (Austria)
02392                Radaus
02342                PSS
02382                Datapak (Denmark)
02402                Datapak (Sweden)
02405                Telepak
02442                Finpak
02624                Datex-P (West Germany)
02704                Luxpac
02724                Eirpak
03020                Datapac
03028                Infogram
03103                ITT/UDTS (U.S.A.)
03106                Tymnet
03110                Telenet
03340                Telepac (Mexico)
03400                UDTS (Curacau)
04251                Isranet
04401                DDX-P
04408                Venus-P
04501                Dacom-Net
04542                Intelpak
05052                Austpac
05053                Midas
05252                Telepac (Hong Kong)
05301                Pacnet
06550                Saponet
07240                Interdata
07241                Renpac
07421                Dompac
09000                Dialnet

I. Telenet NUA's

Here is a list of a few Telenet NUA's and what type of system they are. But first, this is how an NUA is put together:

             \   /\ /  \ /
               |   |    |    
             DNIC Area  NUA

The DNIC says which network connected to Telenet you are using. The area code is the area code for the area that the NUA is in. And the NUA is the address of the computer on Telenet. Please note that an NUA does NOT have to be in your area code for you to connect to it.

There are two ways of finding useful NUA's. The first way is to get or write an NUA scanning program. The second way is to get a copy of the Legion Of Doom's Telenet Directory.( Volume 4 of the LOD Technical Journals)

Now, here is the list. Remember that these are only a few NUA's. These are NOT all of the Telenet NUA's. All of these NUA's DO accept reverse charging. Also, please note that all of these may not be working by the time you read this and that network congestion frequently makes an NUA inaccessible for a short period of time.

NUA:                        SYSTEM TYPE:

031102010022500                    VAX
031102010015600                    UNIX
031102010022000                    VAX
031102010025900                    UNIX
031102010046100                    VAX
031102010025200                    PRIME
031102010046100                    VAX
031102010052200                    VAX
031102020001000                    PRIME
031102020013200                    VAX
031102020014100                    PRIME
031102020014200                    PRIME
031102020015000                    VAX
031102020016100                    UNIX
031102020021400                    PRIME
031102020024500                    AOS
031102020030800                    PRIME
031102020030900                    PRIME

031102020031200                    PRIME
031102020033600                    VAX
031102020033700                    VAX
031102020034300                    PRIME
031102020036000                    HP-3000 
031102030007500                    VAX
031102030002200                    VM/370
031102030013600                    PRIME
031102060003200                    HP-3000
031102060044000                    VAX
031102060044900                    NOS
031102060044700                    VM/370
031102120003900                    NOS
031102120015200                    PRIME
031102120026600                    VAX
031102120026300                    VAX
031102120026700                    UNIX
031102120044900                    UNIX
031102120053900                    VOS
031102140024000                    VAX

J. Basic UNIX hacking

UNIX is probably the most commonly used operating system on Telenet, and is the easiest to hack since it doesn't record bad login attempts. You know you've found a UNIX system when it gives you a "Login" prompt, and then a "Password" prompt. To get in you should first try the default logins.(Listed below.) If these don't work try some of the passwords listed in Section M. If these don't work try to find backdoors. These are passwords that may have been put in to allow the programmer (or someone else who could be in a position to make a backdoor) to get access into the system. These are usually not known about by anyone but the individual who made it. Try doing some research on the programmer and other people who helped to make the system. And, if these don't work, just try guessing them. The Login (usually the account holders name) has 1-8 characters and the Password is 6-8 characters. Both can be either letters or numbers, or a combination of the two.

Once you get in, you should get a "$" prompt, or some other special character like it. You should only use lower case letters when hacking UNIX, this seems to be standard format. If you type "man [command]" at the prompt, it should list all of the commands for that system. Anyway, here are the default Logins and Passwords:

Login:                  Password:

root                    root
root                    system
sys                     sys
sys                     system
daemon                  daemon
uucp                    uucp
tty                     tty
test                    test
unix                    unix
unix                    test
bin                     bin
adm                     adm
adm                     admin
admin                   adm
admin                   admin
sysman                  sysman
sysman                  sys

sysman                  system
sysadmin                sysadmin
sysadmin                sys
sysadmin                system
sysadmin                admin
sysadmin                adm
who                     who
learn                   learn
uuhost                  uuhost
guest                   guest
host                    host
nuucp                   nuucp
rje                     rje
games                   games
games                   player
sysop                   sysop
root                    sysop
demo                    demo

Once you are in, the first thing that you need to do is save the password file to your hard drive or to a disk. The password file contains the Logins and Passwords. The passwords are encoded. To get the UNIX password file, depending on what type of UNIX you are in, you can type one of the following things:

cat /etc/passwd  

The first one is the standard command, but there are other commands as well, like the second one. Once you get the password file, it should look like this:

john:234abc56:9999:13:John Johnson:/home/dir/john:/bin/john

Broken down, this is what the above password file states:

Username: john
Encrypted Password: 234abc56
User Number: 9999
Group Number: 13
Other Information: John Johnson
Home Directory: /home/dir/john
Shell: /bin/john

If the password file does not show up under one of the above two commands, then it is probably shadowed.

The following definition of password shadowing was taken from the alt.2600 hack faq:

"Password shadowing is a security system where the encrypted password field is replaced with a special token and the encrypted password is stored in a seperate file which is not readable by normal system users."

If the password file is shadowed, you can find it in one of the following places, depending on the type of UNIX you are using:

UNIX System Type:    Path:                        Token:

AIX 3                /etc/security/passwd            ! 
or                   /tcb/auth/files/[first letter   #    
                       of username]/[username]
A/UX 3.Os            /tcb/files/auth/*
BSD4.3-Reno          /etc/master.passwd              *
ConvexOS 10          /etc/shadpw                     *
Convex0S 11          /etc/shadow                     *
DG/UX                /etc/tcb/aa/user                *
EP/IX                /etc/shadow                     x
HP-UX                /.secure/etc/passwd             *
IRIX 5               /etc/shadow                     x
Linux 1.1            /etc/shadow                     *
OSF/1                /etc/passwd[.dir|.pag]          *
SCO UNIX #.2.x       /tcb/auth/files/[first letter   *
                       of username]/[username]
SunOS 4.1+c2         /etc/security/passwd.adjunct    ##
SunOS 5.0            /etc/shadow                       
System V 4.0         /etc/shadow                     x
System V 4.2         /etc/security/* database           
Ultrix 4             /etc/auth[.dir|.pag]            *
UNICOS               /etc/udb                        *

Some passwords can only be used for a certain amount of time without having to be changed, this is called password aging. In the password file example below, the "C.a4" is the password aging data:

bob:123456,C.a4:6348:45:Bob Wilson:/home/dir/bob:/bin/bob

The characters in the password aging data stand for the following:

The password aging data can be decoded using the chart below:

Character:            Number:

.                       0
/                       1
0                       2
1                       3
2...6                 4...9
8                      10
9                      11
A                      12
B                      13
C                      14
D...W                15...34
X                      35
Y                      36
Z                      37
a                      38
b                      39
c                      40
d...w                41...60
x                      61
y                      62
z                      63

Now, explore the system freely, be careful, and have fun!

K. Basic VAX/VMS hacking

The VAX system runs the VMS (Virtual Memory System) operating system. You know that you have a VAX system when you get a "username" prompt. Type in capital letters, this seems to be standard on VAX's. Type "HELP" and it gives you all of the help that you could possibly want. Here are the default usernames and passwords for VAX's:

Username:            Password:

SYSTEM               OPERATOR
SYSTEM               MANAGER
SYSTEM               SYSTEM
SYSTEM               SYSLIB
SYSTEST              UETP
SYSTEST              SYSTEST
SYSTEST              TEST
FIELD                FIELD
FIELD                SERVICE
GUEST                GUEST
GUEST                unpassworded
DEMO                 DEMO
DEMO                 unpassworded
TEST                 TEST
DECNET               DECNET

Here are some of the VAX/VMS commands:

Command:                Function:

HELP (H)                Gives help and list of commands.
TYPE (T)                View contents of a file.
RENAME (REN)            Change name of a file.
PURGE (PU)              Deletes old versions of a file.
PRINT (PR)              Prints a file.
DIRECTORY (DIR)         Shows list of files.
DIFFERENCES    (DIF)    Shows differences between files.
CREATE (CR)             Creates a file.
DELETE (DEL)            Deletes a file.
COPY (COP)              Copy a file to another.
CONTINUE (C)            Continues session.

The password file on VAX's are available when you type in the command:


The password file on most VAX's are usually not available to normal system users, but try it anyway. If the default logins don't work, use the same means of finding one as stated in Section J.

Be VERY careful when hacking VAX's because they record every bad login attempt. They are sometimes considered one of the most secure systems. Because of this, I advise not to try hacking these until you are more advanced.

But, when you are an advanced hacker, or if you are already an advanced hacker, I advise that you try a few passwords at a time and then wait and try a few more the next day and so on, because when the real user logs on it displays all of the bad login attempts.

L. Basic PRIME hacking

PRIME computer systems greet you with "Primecon 18.23.05", or something like it, when you connect. You should type in capital letters on this system, too. Once you connect, it will usually just sit there. If this happens, type "LOGIN ". It should then ask you for your username and password. The default usernames and passwords are listed below:

Username:            Password:

PRIME                PRIME
PRIME                PRIMOS
PRIMOS               PRIMOS
PRIMOS               PRIME
PRIMOS_CS            PRIME
SYSTEM               SYSTEM
SYSTEM               PRIME
SYSTEM               PRIMOS
NETLINK              NETLINK
TEST                 TEST
GUEST                GUEST
GUEST1               GUEST

When you are inside the system, type "NETLINK" and it should give you a lot of help. This system uses NUA's, too. I might print these in the next volume.

M. Password List

The password list was taken from A Novice's Guide To Hacking, by The Legion Of Doom, and from some of my own discoveries. Here is the list of commonly used passwords:


aaa         academia      ada           adrian      aerobics    airplane      albany        albatross
albert      alex          alexander     algebra     alias       alisa         alpha         alphabet
ama         amy           analog        anchor      andy        andrea        animal        answer
anything    arrow         arthur        ass         asshole     athena        atmosphere    bacchus
badass      bailey        banana        bandit      banks       bass          batman        beautiful
beauty      beaver        daniel        danny       dave        deb           debbie        deborah
december    desire        desperate     develop     diet        digital       discovery     disney
dog         drought       duncan        easy        eatme       edges         edwin         egghead
eileen      einstein      elephant      elizabeth   ellen       emerald       engine        engineer
enterprise  enzyme        euclid        evelyn      extension   fairway       felicia       fender
finite      format        god           hello       idiot       jester        john          johnny
joseph      joshua        judith        juggle      julia       kathleen      kermit        kernel
knight      lambda        larry         lazarus     lee         leroy         lewis         light
lisa        louis         love          lynne       mac         macintosh     mack          maggot
magic       malcolm       mark          markus      martin      marty         marvin        matt
master      maurice       maximum       merlin      mets        michael       michelle      mike
minimum     nicki         nicole        rascal      really      rebecca       remote        rick
reagan      robot         robotics      rolex       ronald      rose          rosebud       rosemary
roses       ruben         rules         ruth        sal         saxon         scheme        scott
secret      sensor        serenity      sex         shark       sharon        shit          shiva
shuttle     simon         simple        singer      single      singing       smile         smooch
smother     snatch        snoopy        soap        socrates    spit          spring        subway
success     summer        super         support     surfer      suzanne       tangerine     tape
target      taylor        telephone     temptation  tiger       tigger        toggle        tomato
toyota      trivial       unhappy       unicorn     unknown     urchin        utility       vicki
virgin      virginia      warren        water       weenie      whatnot       whitney       will
william     winston       willie        wizard      wonbat      yosemite      zap

N. Connecting modems to different phone lines

Ok, if you are really paranoid (or smart) and you don't want to hack from your house for fear of getting caught, you can hook up your modem to other peoples phone lines or to payphones.

If you want to hook your modem to a payphone, do it late at night and at a very secluded payphone. Look along either side of the phone. You should see a small metal tube (which contains the telephone wires) running along the wall. Somewhere along the tube it should widen out into a small box. Pop off the boxes lid and there is a nice little phone jack for ya'. Taking off the lid may be difficult because they are usually pretty secure, but nothing is impossible, so keep trying. Of course, you can only do this with a lap-top computer.

Now, if you want to hook up the modem to someone's house or apartment phone line, you need to get a pair of red and green alligator clips, and an extra modem cord for your lap-top.

After you get those parts, cut the plastic end off of your modem cord and you will see a red wire, a green wire, and two other wires, but you can ignore those. Attach the red alligator clip to the red wire, and attach the green alligator clip to the green wire and you're all set. Now all you need to do is go find a telephone pole or one of those small green boxes that stick out of the ground.(They should have a Bell Systems logo on them.)

On a telephone pole open the little box that has a bunch of wires going to and from it. On the right side of the box you should see what look like two large screws.(These are called "terminals".) One should have a red wire wrapped around it and the other should have a green wire wrapped around it. Attach the red alligator clip the the red wire and the green alligator clip to the green wire, and you're all set. This should get you a dial tone. If it doesn't, make sure that the alligator clips are not touching each other, and that the alligator clips are attached to the exposed end of the wire.

Now, on those green boxes you need to undo all of the screws and shit holding the lid on, and open it up. Then you should find basically the same setup as on the telephone pole. Attach the appropriate wires to the appropriate terminals and you are all set.

This process can also be used to hook up a Beige Box (Lineman's Handset.) when phreaking.

O. Viruses, Trojans, and Worms

Just in case some of you are interested, here are the definitions for Viruses, Trojans, and Worms. These definitions were taken from the alt.2600 hack faq.


"Remember the Trojan Horse? Bad guys hid inside it until they could get into the city to do their evil deed. A Trojan computer program is similiar. It is a program which does an unauthorized function, hidden inside an authorized program. It does something other than it claims to do, usually something malicious (although not necessarily!), and it is intended by the author to do whatever it does. If it is not intentional, it is called a bug or, in some cases, a feature :) Some Virus scanning programs detect some Trojans. Some scanning programs don't detect any Trojans. No Virus scanners detect all Trojans."


"A Virus is an independent program which reproduces itself. It may attach itself to other programs, it may create copies of itself (as in companion Viruses). It may damage or corrupt data, change data, or degrade the performance of your system by utilizing resources such as memory or disk space. Some Viruse scanners detect some Viruses. No Virus scanners detect all Viruses. No Virus scanner can protect against any and all Viruses, known and unknown, now and forevermore."


"Made famous by Robert Morris, Jr., Worms are programs which reproduce by copying themselves over and over, system to system, using up resources and sometimes slowing down the system. They are self contained and use the networks to spread, in much the same way that Viruses use files to spread. Some people say the solution to Viruses and worms is to just not have any files or networks. They are probably correct. We could include computers."


A. What is phreaking

Phreaking is basically hacking with a telephone. Using different "boxes" and "tricks" to manipulate the phone companies and their phones, you gain many things, two of which are: knowledge about telephones and how they work, and free local and long distance phone calls. In the following sections, you will learn some about boxes, what they are, and how they work. You will also learn about the other forms of phreaking.

B. Why phreak?

Phreaking, like hacking, is used to gather information about telephones, telephone companies, and how they work. There are other benefits as well. As stated above, you also get free phone calls. But, these are used mainly to gather more information about the phones, and to allow us free access to all information.

C. Phreaking rules

Most of the same rules apply for hacking and phreaking, so I will only list a few here.

  1. Never box over your home phone line.
  2. You should never talk about phreaking projects over your home phone line.
  3. Never use your real name when phreaking.
  4. Be careful who you tell about your phreaking projects.
  5. Never leave phreaking materials out in the open. Keep them in a safe place.
  6. Don't get caught.

D. Where and how to start phreaking

Well, you can phreak on any telephone, but as stated above, it is very stupid to do so on your home phone line.

First you need you need to construct the boxes needed for what you want to do. All of the boxes and their descriptions are listed in the next section. Most of the boxes are very easy to make, but if your not into making shit, there are usually alternative ways of making them.

E. Boxes and what they do

Box:                    Description:

Red Box                 generates tones for free phone calls
Black Box               when called, caller pays nothing
Beige Box               lineman's handset
Green Box               generates coin return tones
Cheese Box              turns your phone into a payphone
Acrylic Box             steal 3-way calling and other services
Aqua Box                stops F.B.I. lock-in-trace
Blast Box               phone microphone amplifier
Blotto Box              shorts out all phones in your area
Blue Box                generates 2600hz tone
Brown Box               creates party line
Bud Box                 tap neighbors phone 
Chatreuse Box           use electricity from phone
Chrome Box              manipulates traffic signals
Clear Box               free calls
Color Box               phone conversation recorder
Copper Box              causes crosstalk interference
Crimson Box             hold button
Dark Box                re-route calls
Dayglo Box              connect to neighbors phone line
Divertor Box            re-route calls
DLOC Box                create party line
Gold Box                dialout router
Infinity Box            remote activated phone tap
Jack Box                touch-tone key pad
Light Box               in-use light
Lunch Box               AM transmitter
Magenta Box             connect remote phone line to another
Mauve Box               phone tap without cutting into the line
Neon Box                external microphone
Noise Box               creates line noise
Olive Box               external ringer
Party Box               creates party line
Pearl Box               tone generator
Pink Box                creates party line
Purple Box              hold button
Rainbow Box             kill trace
Razz Box                tap neighbors phone
Rock Box                add music to phone line
Scarlet Box             causes interference
Silver Box              create DTMF tones for A,B,C, and D
Static Box              raises voltage on phone line
Switch Box              add services 
Tan Box                 phone conversation recorder
TV Cable Box            see sound waves on TV
Urine Box               create disturbance on phone headset
Violet Box              stop payphone from hanging up
White Box               DTMF key pad 
Yellow Box              add line extension 

F. Box Plans

The Red Box is the main tool that you will use so I have included the Red Box plans. The other box plans can be downloaded from the Internet.

Red Box:

There are two ways that you can make a Red Box:

One is to go to Radio Shack and buy a tone dialer and a 6.5536Mhz crystal.(If Radio Shack doesn't have the crystal, you can order them from the electronics companies that I have listed at the end of this section.) Open up the tone dialer and replace the existing crystal (big, shiny, metal thing labeled "3.579545Mhz") with the 6.5536Mhz crystal. Now, close it up. You have a red box.

To use it for long distance calls play the tones that add up to the amount of money that the operator requests. For a 25 cents tone press 5 *'s. For a 10 cents tone press 3 *'s. For a 5 cents tone press 1 *.

And, the second way, which is a much easier method, is to get the Red Box tones from a phreaking program, such as: Omnibox, or Fear's Phreaker Tools. Play the tones as you hold a microcassette recorder about 1-inch away from your computer speakers, and record the tones.

The Red Box only works on public telephones, it does not work on COCOT's. (Defined in next section.) It makes the telephone think that you have put money in. Red Boxes do not work on local calls because the phone is not using ACTS (Automated Coin Toll System), unless you call the operator and have her place the call for you. You tell her the number that you want to dial and then when she asks you to put in your money, play the tones. If she asks you why you need her to place the call tell her that one of the buttons is smashed in or something like that. You now have and know how to use a Red Box!

Electronics Companies:
2300 Zonker Road
San Jose, CA 95131
(408)943-9774  -Voice-
(408)943-9776  -Fax-

Blue Saguaro
P.O. Box 37061
Tucson, AZ 85740


Unicorn Electronics
10000 Canoga Ave. Unit C-2
Chatsworth, CA 91311

G. Free calling from COCOT's

First of all, COCOT stands for "Customer Owned Customer Operated Telephone". These are most likely to be found at resteraunts, amusement parks, etc.

All you have to do to make a free call from a COCOT is dial a 1-800 number (they let you do this for free), say some bullshit and get them to hang up on you. Stay on the line after they hang up, then dial the number that you want to call.

This may not work by the time you read this because COCOT owners are becoming more aware of us every day.

H. ANAC numbers

ANAC stands for "Automated Number Announcment Circuit". In other words, you call the ANAC number in your area and it tells you the number that you are calling from. This is useful when Beige Boxing, or hooking your modem up to other phone lines, to find out what number you are using. The "?" are substituted for unknown numbers. Do some scanning to find them out. Here are the ANAC numbers for the U.S.A. with their area code, and the only one I knew of in the U.K.:


Area Code:             ANAC Number:

201                    958
202                    811
203                    970
205                    300-222-2222
205                    300-555-5555
205                    300-648-1111
205                    300-765-4321
205                    300-798-1111
205                    300-833-3333
205                    557-2311
205                    811
205                    841-1111
205                    908-222-2222
206                    411
207                    958
209                    830-2121
209                    211-9779
210                    830
212                    958
213                    114
213                    1223
213                    211-2345
213                    211-2346
213                    760-2???
213                    61056
214                    570
214                    790
214                    970-222-2222
214                    970-611-1111
215                    410-????
215                    511
215                    958
216                    200-????
216                    331
216                    959-9968
217                    200-???-????
219                    550
219                    559
301                    958-9968
310                    114
310                    1223
310                    211-2345
310                    211-2346
312                    200
312                    290
312                    1-200-8825
312                    1-200-555-1212
313                    200-200-2002
313                    200-222-2222                    
313                    200-???-????
313                    200200200200200
314                    410-????
315                    953
315                    958
315                    998
317                    310-222-2222
317                    559-222-2222
317                    743-1218
334                    5572411
334                    5572311
401                    200-200-4444
401                    222-2222
402                    311
404                    311
404                    940-???-????
404                    940
405                    890-7777777                    
405                    897
407                    200-222-2222
408                    300-???-????
408                    760
408                    940
409                    951
409                    970-????
410                    200-6969
410                    200-555-1212
410                    811
412                    711-6633
412                    711-4411
412                    999-????
413                    958
413                    200-555-5555
414                    330-2234
415                    200-555-1212
415                    211-2111
415                    2222
415                    640
415                    760-2878
415                    7600-2222
419                    311
502                    200-2222222
502                    997-555-1212
503                    611

503                    999
504                    99882233
504                    201-269-1111
504                    998
504                    99851-0000000000
508                    958
508                    200-222-1234
508                    200-222-2222
508                    26011
509                    560
510                    760-1111
512                    830
512                    970-????
515                    5463
515                    811
516                    958
516                    968
517                    200-222-2222
517                    200200200200200
518                    511
518                    997
518                    998
603                    200-222-2222                    
606                    997-555-1212
606                    711
607                    993
609                    958
610                    958
610                    958-4100
612                    511
614                    200
614                    517
615                    200200200200200
615                    2002222222
615                    830
616                    200-222-2222
617                    200-222-1234
617                    200-222-2222
617                    200-444-4444
617                    220-2622
617                    958
618                    200-???-????
618                    930
619                    211-2001
619                    211-2121
703                    811
704                    311
707                    211-2222
708                    1-200-555-1212
708                    1-200-8825
708                    200-6153
708                    724-9951
708                    356-9646
713                    380
713                    970-????
713                    811
714                    114
714                    211-2121
714                    211-2222
716                    511
716                    990
717                    958
718                    958
802                    2-222-222-2222
802                    200-222-2222
802                    1-700-222-2222
802                    111-2222
805                    114
805                    211-2345
805                    211-2346
805                    830
806                    970-????
810                    200200200200200
812                    410-555-1212
813                    311
815                    200-???-????
817                    290
817                    211
818                    970-611-1111
818                    1223
818                    211-2345
903                    211-2346
904                    970-611-1111
906                    200-222-222
907                    1-200-222-2222
907                    811
908                    958
910                    200
910                    311
910                    988
914                    990-1111
915                    970-????
916                    211-2222
916                    461
919                    200
919                    711


A. Hacking and phreaking WWW. sites

Below used to be a list of WWW sites. However since this text file is pretty old most of them are just dead links now, so the list was removed. -Ed June 1998.

B. Good hacking and phreaking text files

All of these files are available by download from the Internet:

File Name:

A Novice's Guide To Hacking
Alt.2600 Hack Faq
The Hacker's Handbook
The Official Phreaker's Manual
Rainbow Books (Listed in Section D.)
The Hacker Crackdown
Computer Hackers: Rebels With A Cause
The Legion Of Doom Technical Journals
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Hacking And Phreaking (Of course!)

C. Hacking and phreaking Newsgroups


D. Rainbow Books

The Rainbow Books are a series of government evaluations on various things related to computer system security. You can get all of the existing Rainbow Books free and if you ask to be put on their mailing list you will get each new one as it comes out. Just write to the address or call the number below:

Infosec Awareness Division
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000

or call:

Here is the list of all the Rainbow Books and their descriptions:

Color:                Description:

Orange 1              D.O.D. Trusted Computer Systems
Green                 D.O.D. Password Management
Yellow                Computer Security Requirements
Yellow 2              Computer Security Requirements
Tan                   Understanding Audit In Trusted Systems
Bright Blue           Trusted Product Evaluation
Neon Orange           Understanding Discretionary Access
Teal Green            Glossary Of Computer Terms
Orange 2              Understanding Configurations
Red                   Interpretation Of Evaluation
Burgundy              Understanding Design Documentation
Dark Lavender         Understanding Trusted Distrobution
Venice Blue           Computer Security Sub-Systems
Aqua                  Understanding Security Modeling
Dark Red              Interpretations Of Environments
Pink                  Rating Maintenence Phase
Purple                Formal Verification Systems
Brown                 Understanding Trusted Facilities
Yellow-Green          Writing Trusted Facility Manuals
Light Blue            Understanding Identification And Authentication In Trusted Systems
Blue                  Product Evaluation Questionaire
Gray                  Selecting Access Control List
Lavander              Data Base Management Interpretation
Yellow 3              Understanding Trusted Recovery
Bright Orange         Understanding Security Testing
Purple 1              Guide To System Procurement
Purple 2              Guide To System Procurement
Purple 3              Guide To System Procurement
Purple 4              Guide To System Procurement
Green                 Understanding Data Remanence
Hot Peach             Writing Security Features
Turquiose             Understanding Information Security 
Violet                Controlled Access Protection 
Light Pink            Understanding Covert Channels 

E. Cool hacking and phreaking magazines

Phrack Magazine
2600 Magazine
Tap Magazine
Phantasy Magazine

F. Hacking and phreaking movies


War Games

G. Hacking and phreaking Gopher sites



H. Hacking and phreaking Ftp sites



I. Hacking and phreaking BBS's

BBS's are Bulletin Board Systems on which hackers and phreakers can post messages to each other.

Here is a list of some BBS's that I know of. If you know of any other BBS's, please E-Mail me via the A.S.H. E-Mail address. Also, Please note that some of these may be old and not running.

Area Code:     Phone Number:           Name:

203            832-8441                Rune Stone
210            493-9975                The Truth Sayer's Domain
303            343-4053                Hacker's Haven
315            656-5135                Independent Nation
315            656-5135                UtOPiA
617            855-2923                Maas-Neotek
708            676-9855                Apocalypse 2000
713            579-2276                KOdE AbOdE
806            747-0802                Static Line
908            526-4384                Area 51
502            499-8933                Blitzkrieg
510            935-5845                ...Screaming Electron
408            747-0778                The Shrine
708            459-7267                The Hell Pit
415            345-2134                Castle Brass
415            697-1320                7 Gates Of Hell 

J. Cool hackers and phreakers

Yes there are many, many, cool hackers and phreakers out there, but these are some that helped me to get this file out on the Internet. I did not list a few people because I only knew their real name, and I don't want to use their real name without their permission.


Silicon Toad
Logik Bomb/Net Assasin
Lord Somer

Thanks for your help guys.

K. Hacker's Manifesto

"This is our world now...the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt cheep if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore...and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias...and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, wage wars, murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it is for our own good, yet we're the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all...after all, we're all alike."

+++The Mentor+++

K. Happy hacking!

Be careful and have fun. Remember to keep your eye out for the next volume of The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Hacking And Phreaking and the Legion Of the Apocalypse W.W.W. page. Oh, and keep looking for our on-line magazine, too, it should be coming out soon. Well, I hope you enjoyed the file and found it informative. I also hope that I helped get you started in hacking and phreaking.

"The Revelation is here."


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