This Site:


About Me
Pictures <- SOON!!
Funky Shit
Contact Me

More links coming soon!!
Hi, my name is Kylii Davies and this is my personal webpage.  I'm 21 and I live in Brisbane.  (Find out more in the 'About me' section!!)
Have a look around, any enquires, then please
email me.

Kylii xxoo
I current live between my boyfriend house and work  as my mum passed away last little brat brothers or sisters, older or younger...being the only spoilt child is so much fun...

I have most of my family in north and western Queensland and some in NSW and WA.  The closest family I have is my cousins in Toowoomba and some aunts/cousins in Brisbane.
I love my boyfriend, Ashley Fry and I have 3 best friends, Gemma Fletcher, Darren Svanfelds and Jono Barnes..

I have so many other friends, some include Alex Shelton, Glenn Stevenson, Kenny Clark, Trent Richards and everyone else from Kenmore High, Dominos, Coles and the rest - Wyseman Bugger, yvonne, Taz, Rico, CrAsH, Lil-Menace, synik and everyone else special on B105 Chat..

If your name isn't here don't panic, I sitll love you.
My hobbies and interests include playing hockey, soccor and tennis, breeding ferrets, jumping on the net and chatting to my friends (ICQ, MSN or mIRC -,, rockclimbing, extreme sports (watching of course!!), swimming, playing online games ( is damn good) I think that's about it, oh and I love collecting, playing, writing and listening to all different kinds of music!!
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My Other Links:
My Hobbiest Page
Other Geocities Page

Psygnosis - My Alias

My Friends' Pages:
Linda Gruber
Jono Barnes
Trent Richards

Internet Friends:
Mark Ross-Smith
Troy - aka "nurd"

Aliens Game
JMC Online
Lego - MUST SEE!!

If you want your page added here or have some kick ass links you wanna share with the rest of us... please email me.
Personal Page About:
Me and my baby :)