Personal Page of S.K. Saptomo

Assalamu alaikum,

Hi, my name is Satyanto Krido Saptomo. I am a lecturer in Division of Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Bogor, Indonesia. Some of my colleagues call me Satyanto, I have a nick name Dody that my close friends and family use to call me. Usually I use Saptomo when I write papers.

I spent 5 years in Fukuoka I speak Japanese a little. Currently, I live with my family in Bogor City.

My activities and interests are mainly related to researches and educations. I have some experiences in

I also interested in wide area of research in bio-environment and relevant field in environmental friendly sustainable irrigation, drainage and rural engineering: Aquaculture Engineering, Agricultural Micro-climate, Evapotranspiration using Remote Sensing, etc. You can read my CV below. Please, feel free to contact me by email to here(at)yahoo or here(at)ipb

Wassalam alaikum,

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Curriculum Vitae


Name   : Satyanto Krido Saptomo

Birth   : ...private..

Address : ....private..... Jakarta , INDONESIA

Office : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University. IPB Darmaga Campus. Bogor. Indonesia.







Kyushu University

Bioproduction Environmental Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture (Ph.D)

Evapotranspiration and Groundwater


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Agricultural Engineering

Magister Sains (M.Si)/ Magister of Science

Wetland water control


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Agricultural Engineering

Sarjana Teknologi Pertanian (S.TP) / Bachelor in Agricultural Technology

Fuzzy logic controller







Dept. of Agric. Engineering - IPB

2005 – now

JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Special Foreign Researcher

Department of Bioproductiona Environmental Science

2006 - 2008

Teaching Assistant

Instrumentation and Control Engineering (Program D3 TIK-IPB)

1997 – 2000


Integrated research on Water Control System for Peatland Agriculture. CREATA-LP/IPB


Papers and Publications

  • 1.        Saptomo, S.K., Y. Nakano, M. Kuroda, B.I.Setiawan, Rudiyanto, T.Fukuda, S. Takeuchi, K. Yuge. 2008. The Study of Water and Energy Balance on a Paddy Field. Proceeding of The final seminar on Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Tokyo, 28-29 February 2008. pp.27-38, 2008

  • 2.        Rudiyanto, S.K. Saptomo ad B.I. Setiawan. 2008. Modeling water flow and Nitrogen transport in paddy field under the system of rice intensification.  Proceeding of The final seminar on Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Tokyo, 28-29 February 2008.

  • 3.        Setiawan, B.I., Rudiyanto, S.K. Saptomo, Y. Nakano, T. Fukuda, and S. Takeuchi. 2008. Hydrological information system of Cidanau watershed in Banten province, Indonesia. Proceeding of The final seminar on Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Tokyo, 28-29 February 2008.

  • 4.        Takeuchi, S., T.Fukuda, M.Kuroda , Y.Nakano, B.I.Setiawan,  Rudiyanto, S.K.Saptomo. 2008. Water System Management And Famer’s Wisdom Based On Traditional Paddy Farming - Utilization Of Small Stream Runoff For Irrigation. Proceeding of The final seminar on Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Tokyo, 28-29 February 2008.

  • 5.        Fukuda, T., Y.Nakano, M.Kuroda, S.Takeuchi, B.I.Setiawan, S.K.Saptomo. 2008. Traditional Water-Use System Of The Wet Rice Culture Of Cidanau Watershed In West Java, Indonesia. Proceeding of The final seminar on Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Tokyo, 28-29 February 2008.

  • 6.        Yuge, K., M. Anan, S.K. Saptomo and K. Mori. 2008. Evaluation of the Effect of Paddy Irrigation on the Groundwater Quality. J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ., 53(1), 209-214

  • 7.        Askari, M. B.I.Setiawan, S.K. Saptomo and T. Tanaka. 2007. INFILTRATION CHARACTERISTICS OF TROPICAL SOIL BASED ON WATER RETENTION DATA.  Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources (Accepted).

  • 8.        Rudiyanto, B. I. Setiawan dan S. K. Saptomo. 2006. ALGORITMA FILTER KALMAN UNTUK MENGHALUSKAN DATA PENGUKURAN (Algorithm of Kalman Filter for Smoothing Measurement Data).   J. Indonesian Soc. of Agricultural Engineering, 20 (3). (in Indonesian)

  • 9.        Anan, M., K. Yuge, Y. Nakano, S. Saptomo and T. Haraguchi. 2007. Quantification of the effect of rice paddy area changes on recharging groundwater. Paddy Water Environ (2007)5:41-47.

  • 10.    Askari, M., S.K. Saptomo and B.I. Setiawan. 2006. Error analysis on the estimation of cumulative infiltration in soil using Green and Ampt model.  J. Indonesian Soc. of Agricultural Engineering, 20 (2): 189-195.

  • 11.    Saptomo, S.K., B. I. Setiawan,Y. Nakano, M. Kuroda, and Rudiyanto. 2006. The Use of Shallow Groundwater as Irrigation for Rice Cultivation. Proceeding of The 4th PAWEES International Conference on Management of  Paddy and Water Environment for Sustainable Rice Production (Ⅱ), Utsunomiya, August 10 -11.

  • 12.    Saptomo, S.K., B. I. Setiawan,Y. Nakano, M. Kuroda, T. Fukuda and S. Takeuchi. 2005. Regional Water and Heat Balance in Sedatani Paddy Field Cidanau Watershed. Proceeding PAWEES International Conference, Kyoto, September 7th-8th, pp. 65-70.

  • 13.    Rudiyanto, B. I. Setiawan, S.K. Saptomo dan Suroso. 2005. Permodelan Sistem Resirkulasi Air Terkendali untuk Budidaya Ikan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perteta, November 15-16, pp:2.1-2.10.

  • 14.    Haraguchi, T., S.K. Saptomo, K. Inosako, K. Yuge, K.Mori and Y. Nakano. 2005. Numerical Estimation of Evapotranspiration Rate in a Greenhouse. J. Agric. Meteorol. 60(50):669-672.

  • 15.    Saptomo, S.K., Y. Nakano, T. Haraguchi and K. Yuge. 2005. Historical Changes of Land-use and Thermal Environment of Cidanau Watershed. J. Agric. Meteorol. 60(50):701-704.

  • 16.    Nakano, Y., K. Yuge, T. Haraguchi, A. Marui, S.K. Saptomo and A. Hao. 2005. Evaluation of the Intrinsic Changes Affected by an Isolated Plant Shadow. J. Agric. Meteorol. 60(50):713-716.

  • 17.    Saptomo, S.K., B.I. Setiawan, Y. Nakano, M. Kuroda and K. Yuge. 2004. Development of Model for Simulation Study of Groundwater under Affection of Various Surface condition in Cidanau Watershed. JSPS-DGHE International Seminar Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production, pp. O1-1:1-10. Banten, 3-5 December

  • 18.    Saptomo, S.K., Y. Nakano, K. Yuge and T. Haraguchi. 2004. Observation and Simulation of Thermal Environment in a Paddy Field. Paddy and Water Environment 2004(2):73-82

  • 19.    Saptomo, S.K., Y. Nakano, K. Yuge, T. Haraguchi, T. Funakoshi, 2004 Observation of Energy Fluxes and Micrometeorological Environment Variables, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University, 49, 157-168.

  • 20.    Saptomo, S.K., Y. Nakano, T. Haraguchi and M. Kuroda. 2003. Numerical Study to Evaluate the Effects of Plant Canopy on Daily Evapotranspiration: Estimation of Evaporation in Cidanau Watershed, in Sustainable Agriculture in Rural Indonesia. Gadjah Mada University Press, pp.15-25.

  • 21.    Saptomo, S.K., Y. Nakano, T. Haraguchi, K. Yuge, 2003 Parameterization of Numerical Energy Balance Model Using Surface Temperature Data to Estimate Evapotranspiration of Different Land Condition at Cidanau Watershed, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University, 48, 247-259.

  • 22.    Saptomo, S.K., Y. Nakano, T. Haraguchi, K. Yuge, M. Kuroda, 2003. The Modification of Numerical Evapotranspiration Model by Using Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature Data, Workshop on Use of remote sensing of crop evapotranspiration for large regions, ICID, New Delhi, pp.1-16.

  • 23.    Saptomo, S.K.., Y. Nakano, T. Haraguchi, K. Kuroda, 2003. Evaluation of the Evapotranspiration of Different Land Uses at Cidanau Watershed, Proc. Of the 2nd Seminar of Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production,106-115.

  • 24.    Setiawan, B.I, Y. Sato, S.K. Saptomo and E. Saleh. 2002. Development of water control for tropical wetland agriculture. Advances in GeoEcology No. 35, Pages 259-266, Catena Verl., Reikirchen, Germany.

  • 25.    Saptomo, S.K., B.I. Setiawan and Y. Nakano. 2002. Water Regulation in Tidal Agriculture using Wetland Water Level Control Simulator. ASAE Annual International Meeting/CIGR World Congress. Chicago, July 28-31.

  • 26.    Setiawan, B.I., I.D.M. Subrata, Aryanto, S.K. Saptomo, L.O. Nelwan dan L. Saulia. 2001. Rancangan system pengendalian debit dan suhu air pada budidaya benih ikan patin. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kecerdasan Komputasional II. Depok, 16~17 Oktober 2001.

  • 27.    Setiawan, B.I, Y. Sato, S.K. Saptomo and E. Saleh. 2001. Development of water control for tropical wetland agriculture. International conference sustainable soil management for environmental protection - soil physical aspect. Firenze 2-7 July 2001

  • 28.    Setiawan, B.I., S.K. Saptomo and Y. Sato. 2001. Irreversible Deformation of Tropical Peat Soils. Proceedings of the 1st Seminar, Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Tokyo, February 21-23, 2001. Pages: 223~227.

  • 29.    Setiawan, B.I., S.K. Saptomo dan E. Saleh. 2000. Model Otomatisasi Pengairan Lahan Pertanian Pasang Surut. Lokakarya Otomatisasi Peralatan untuk meningkatkan Kinerja Hidrometri dalam Otonomi Daerah. Malang, 13 Nopember 2000.

  • 30.    Setiawan, B.I., S.K. Saptomo dan D. Sunandar. 2000. Konsekuensi Deformasi Tak Balik Tanah Gambut terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Hidrolika Tanah. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Pertanian. Bogor, 11~12 Juli 2000.

  • 31.    Saptomo, S.K.. and B.I. Setiawan. 1999. Pump Operation Control for water Control in Wet Soils. Proceedings of International Toward Sustainable Agriculture in Humid Tropics facing 21st. Bandar lampung, September 27~28, 1999.

  • 32.    Iskandar, M.A., Y. Susanti, S.K. Saptomo dan B.I. Setiawan. 1999. Pengendalian Muka Air Tanah menggunakan Sistem Kendali Fazi Sederhana. Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian. 13(1):66~74.

  • 33.    Saptomo, S.K. dan B.I. Setiawan. 1998. Sistem drainase terkendali untuk lahan basah. Prosiding Seminar nasional Penerapan Teknologi Kendali dan Instrumentasi pada Pertanian. Jakarta, 28-29 Oktober 1998.

  • 34.    Setiawan, B.I., K. Abdullah, S.K. Saptomo dan I. Senjaya. Pengendalian suhu dalam alat pengering energi surya efek rumah kaca. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penerapan Teknologi Kendali dan Instrumentasi pada Pertanian. Jakarta, 28-29 Oktober 1998.

  • 35.    Setiawan, B.I., K. Abdullah, S.K. Saptomo dan I. Senjaya. 1998. Pengendalian Suhu Dalam Pengering Surya Efek Rumah Kaca. Prosiding Seminar Tahunan Perteta, Yogyakarta 21-22 Juli 1998

  • 36.    Saptomo, S.K. dan B.I. Setiawan. 1997. Pengontrol fuzzy dan aplikasinya dalam simulasi pengendalian muka air tanah gambut. Prosiding Perkemahan dan Seminar Tahunan PERTETA. Jatinangor, 7-8 Juli 1997.

  • 37.    Setiawan, B.I. dan S.K. Saptomo 1997. Simulating Drainage Control In Wet Soils. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air. Jakarta, 10 Juli 1997.

  • 38.    Setiawan, B.I. dan S.K. Saptomo 1997. Water Control Simulation in Peat Soil using Fuzzy Logics. Prosiding 7th ICID International Drainage Workshop: Drainage for the 21st Century. Penang, Malaysia, 17-21 November 1997.

  • 39.    Saptomo, S.K., B.I. Setiawan, M.A. Iskandar dan S. Sarwono. 1996. Kontrol logika fuzzy untuk pengendalian suhu. Prosiding Seminar Tahunan Penelitian Teknik Pertanian. Bogor, 18 Juni 1996. Hal.A7:1-11.

  • 40.    Saptomo, S.K., B.I. Setiawan, M.A. Iskandar dan S. Sarwono. 1996. Pengatur suhu dengan kontrol fuzzy. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian. Vol.6(2):110-17.



Monbukagakusho Scholarship (2001-2004)

International Journal of Paddy and Water Environment (PWE) Best Paper Award 2005.

PAWEES' Sato Prize 2005

Best Contributor of JSPS-DGHE Core University Program the university of Tokyo/ Bogor Agricultural University 1998-2008 


Seminars and Scientific Meetings

The Final Seminar on:Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological ProductionToward harmonizing, JSPS-DGHE Core University Program in Applied Biosciences, pp.27-38, 2008

Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineers (JSIDRE). Matsue, 2007.

PAWEES International Conference. Utsunomiya-Japan. 2006

PAWEES International Conference. Kyoto-Japan. 2005

Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineers (JSIDRE). Sapporo, 2004.

Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineers (JSIDRE). Naha, 2003.

The 2nd Seminar Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Tokyo, February 15-16, 2003.

Second IFAC-CIGR Workshop on Intelligent Control for Agricultural Applications. Bali, 22~24 August 2001. Pages 158~161.

The 1st Seminar: Toward Harmonization between Development and Environmental Conservation in Biological Production. Tokyo, February 21-23, 2001

International Toward Sustainable Agriculture in Humid Tropics facing 21st. Bandar lampung, September 27~28, 1999.

Seminar Nasional Penerapan Teknologi Kendali dan Instrumentasi pada Pertanian. Jakarta, 28-29 Oktober 1998.

The Afro-Asian Regional Conference on Irrigation and Drainage, Bali 19-25 July 1998.

Seminar Tahunan Perteta, Yogyakarta 21-22 Juli 1998

Seminar Gerakan Hemat Air, Depok 9 April 1998.

Seminar Sehari Pendayagunaan Air Tanah yang berkelanjutan dalam rangka memperingati hari Air Sedunia. Dep. PU-KNI ICID. Jakarta, 19 Maret 1998.

Seminar Tahunan Pengembangan Penelitian Teknik Pertanian. Bogor, Juli 1996

Seminar Peranan Teknik Pertanian dalam Era Pertanian yang Berkelanjutan serta Berwawasan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi. Bogor, 18 Juni 1996.



NGO Rekonvasi Bhumi.

NGO Bina Lingkungan Selaras.

Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering (JSIDRE). 2002-2004.

Society of Paddy and Water Environmental Engineering (PAWEES), PWE Editing Board

Anggota Dewan Redaksi Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 2005-2008

