Halfy's Self-Gratification Corner

Shape. Construction. Things. There are things here. You can either take a look at them or go somewhere else. But I guess you already knew that.

Many people may be wondering why it's all in plain black and white (images where required). Er...The main reason is that I don't aspire to be a layout wozzname and so I don't even try. Why? Because it will end up in a complete colour-clashing mess. I respect people who try but often it just ends up like something aikin to this little ugly thing. I also like to maintain that fancy graphics are only there to cover up for complete lack of content.

As this website, like some others, is an amorphous jungle of links and is in an 'as-I-bloody-well-feel-like' growth, so expect black outs and intermittent power failures.

Acquire, learn and disseminate knowledge. No-one's an island and hoarding information does not equate job security. You could be the next one on the chopping board whatever you perceive your skillset to be.

  • Programming stuff
    I do programming for living. It's cool. Makes you think both logically and creatively at the same time. Bit of a mind-fucker really. It's the most creative fucking thing I've ever come across. (That is, if you discount droid work like dull database programming, Y2K bollocks or financial stuff... What? No. I hold no respect for 'programmers' in suits, thank you very much).

There really should be more but at this very moment. Nah.

Oh, yeah. For them pesky lawyer types: A copyright notice.

© Halfy, 1999