
This page was created by Raven Rotsaert in the hopes that I may bring joy and excitement to the board and easily amused

Monty Pythonline
Pojoaque HS
  Find the Monkey
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  Tencia's Poetry
Alta Vista Search
  '60 falcon brochure
  Falcon Web Ring

Home Grown!!

While you are here you can see 
the many attractions
that I have to offer
     *Links to my favorite places.

     *Why Micrsoft Sucks!!

     *A some what brief discription of
      what I do here in Los Alamos

     *A detailed map to TA-3

Give me some feed back on what
you see here.     
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Here's Why: Microsoft has been Monoplizing the computer industry! The reason why Microsoft sucks is not because when you try to run the Windows platform with any kind of windows application other than Exploror your computer will automaticly freez, it's because they copy other people's ideas. Microsoft/Bill Gates go to all of the unfailings of new software and get ideas... when asked to buy some of this great new software they simply state that they are allready working on the same thing, when in fact they are not... I could go on for a bit longer but I whaned to keep this breif for those of us, who like my self have a attention deficate when it comes to things like reading.

This section is work related... you know good stuff...yes... So, this summer I got a job here at the labs, now I've got my foot in the door. My job is to update and inhance web pages, and in addition my "partner in crime", Cisco and I will be writing statistic gathering programs for the Unified Parallel Software team. See the new spinning logo, please visit their web site at www-xdiv.lanl.gov/XCI/PROJECTS/UPS .

What is UPS:UPS is an acronym for Unified Parallel Software. The mission of the UPS project is to provide ASCI users with the resources necessary to design and write effective physics simulations on the high performance, parallel processing compute platforms available to them. The major way we approach this mission is by designing, writing, supporting, and maintaining the UPS library. This web page is designed to provide information regarding the UPS project, focusing on the UPS library.

Some information on parallel computing: *High Performance Computing and Communications glossary; *Super Computing Resources on the Internet; *ParaScope, IEEE Computer Society's list of Parallel Computing Site

Email: rbr@lanl.gov Snail Mail: Los Alamos National Laboratory Mail Stop F663 Los Alamos, NM 87545

A detailed map to TA-3

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!


Pretended to Copyright (C) in 1999 by Raven Rotsaert. No specific rights reserved.
This page last updated on the gloomy day of September 21st, 1999 in the land of ice and snow, Northern New Mexico.