You are now in the official website of the Interact Club of South Crest School. First, allow us to tell you more about ourselves. Our Interact Club was active since 1995. Through those years, the club has accomplished many projects. There are 64 members in our club. All are class officers.

The Interact club of South Crest School is the first interact club in the Philippines to be online! It has won many awards due to its unselfish commitment to help others. It has been an outstanding interact club, recognized by then District 3810 and now District 3830, since 1998-present. The club was awarded as "Best Interact Project" during the I.Y. 1999-2000 for District 3830.And last June 8, 2002 the Interact Club of South Crest School was awared as "Oustanding Interact Club" and "Best Interact Project (Addressing a Concern for the Community" for District 3830. No wonder that every year, the club has representatives on the yearly Rotary Youth Exchange. We have sent interactors to Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia.

We hope you'll enjoy our web site and find it helpful.






PRESIDENT: Joseff Paolo R. Santiago

VICE PRESIDENT: Mary Rose G. Salamana

Secretary: Joanne G. Villegas

Treasurer: Charmaine Campos

Auditor: Katrina Policarpio

Business Manager: Elaine Matundan

P.R.O: Michelle Mapas

Community Service Dir.: Paolo Migallon

International Understanding Dir.: Grace Dungo

Club Service Dir.: Rigel Marinas

Finance Dir.: Gillian Cortez

Past President: Eunice Ann Venus

ADVISER: Ms. Menchie Salazar

at aug1083@yahoo.com

Interact Club of South Crest School

c/o South Crest School

MBAI Commercial Complex, Soldiers Hills

Muntinlupa City 1770, Philippines

This page is maintained by Jay Patrick R. Santiago

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