Leo´s Corner

  About Me






    Versão em Português 


Welcome! This page is made to be a reflection of its owner. Here you can find many of the things that interest me, and that may appeal to you as well.

At the moment, I am still trying to build a decent homepage. I have just moved to geocities and I am struggling with HTML in order to build a pleasent site.

I am a lecturer at the Centre for Technological Sciences of the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC). The Centre is based on the city of Joinville, in Santa Catarina which is a state in the south of Brazil. Imigration here was predominantly German, Polish and Italian so it gives the region a kind of European touch. I am currently living in São Bento do Sul, where there is an advanced campus of the university. São Bento do Sul is a small town of German and Polish colonisation, located in Santa Catarina´s highlands. Here I teach mathematics and do research in theoretical physics. I am married to Nanci Romero, who teaches Portuguese in a federal school in São Paulo. Nanci has a very interesting page about the genealogy of our families, which can be checked by clicking here.

In these pages you will be able to find out about my research and teaching, and will have access to my papers (published and unpublished). You can also get to know something about myself and my major interests. I hope you enjoy it and that you come visit again soon.

Last updated on 7 November, 2001 and on 25 May, 2004 by my wife.