Welcome to Nathaniel's Website on Life, The Universe, and Everything
    Live Journal
Thursday, February 10, 2005

Holy cow! My hair is long! My friend Lisa straightened my hair tonight. Freaky isn't it?

Monday, February 7, 2005

Wow! Nearly a month since my last update . . . Hmm, I update my Xanga and Live Journal more than this site. But check back here randomly for maybe some new updates. I did a water color painting today, maybe I'll scan it and post it on here, I'm working on another, I'll scan it too when I'm done, oh, and some time here in the hopefully not so distant future I will get my portfollio digitized and I'll post that too while I posting all my art work. Till then.

Sunday, January 9, 2005

Look y'all I've finally updated this site! Its taken three and a half years to get around to it but finally it's done. As for content, that will come slowly over time. If you've just have to have something to read check out my Live Journal there's at least enough there to whet you appetite. Keep checking back for updates. I'll try not to let it go another three years before I make an update.