Thank you for visiting. I would like to invite you to take a quick look at some of the links listed below. The links listed contain some very interesting information pertaining to the Christian experience, Structural Engineering, and on a little lighter note, some clean jokes for you to enjoy. Thanks to my friends for their suggestions on some of these sites.


Everyone need a good place to feed on God's word, so I attend Calvary Chapel. I'd like to invite you to visit with us sometime. Our church is affiliated with Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa CA. If you're a little-bit scholarly and can handle some deep stuff, check out Lambert Dolphins Way-Cool Library. He has assembled some interesting study materials for the technically-minded christian. For those of us that live in "chains" either real or self-imposed, visit Living Praise  or Chuck Colson's web pages. There are many valuable resources for all people in need of God's Grace. A real handy site for Christian search is here: Allinone-CrossDaily.com . Visit  Crosswalk  for some other invaluable study and media links. Please read Refiner's Fire for an interesting look at one way in which God makes us usable for His work here.


I work at Martin Marietta Composites  where we provide highly engineered FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) products for many arenas including bridge decks, truck trailers and railcar components. Please check out my resume if you are an employer looking for a designer with extensive experience with CADD and structural engineering.

On a daily basis, I use Solidworks, Microstation , Geopak and AutoCad .


You've got to read some good clean jokes that I have collected over the past 2 years or so. Please email me some of yours.

Please feel free to contact me by email if you have any comments, information or jokes to share or feel free to check out my  resume.

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