Welcome! My name is Hom; Geoffrey Hom. This site was started in the summer of '99, after I started exploring Geocities. Making a simple website seems easy if you just put some time and effort into it. Because this site is a low priority for me, this site is very much under development and subject to many delays.
Stuff to be fleshed out:
I can be reached via e-mail at geoffhom@gmail.com
Mailing address:
Geoffrey Hom
12300 33rd Ave NE #301, Seattle, WA, 98125
Research interests:
I have been studying the disease lupus (and its genetic causes) as a postdoc at Genentech, in South San Francisco, California. However, I am leaving soon to move to Seattle to spend time with relatives and to try to write a couple of computer programs in Adobe Flash, on my own (i.e., unpaid). We'll see where I am after a few months of that. :-)
At Genentech, I've been working in the lab of Tim Behrens. Tim is an awesome boss.
I received my Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biophysics from Caltech, in sunny Pasadena, California, in 2005. I did my Ph.D. work in the lab of Dr. Stephen L. Mayo. The Mayo lab works on computation protein design. I was lucky to work for Steve, and I have fond memories of everyone in the Mayo lab. My research efforts focused on improving the algorithms we used to search amino-acid sequence space; i.e., on expanding the range of problems we could tackle computationally.
I like anime and video games. I also like reading the Bible a lot and seeking more about Jesus and God. But I still am not sure.
I was born and grew up in Sacramento, California. For undergrad, I went to Cal (UC Berkeley). I've spent my whole life in California, except for 4 months in Minnesota, which was actually pretty awesome.
This site was last updated on July 25, 2008.
turnstile rotations since May 23, 2003. (Counter
courtesy of digits.com.)