The Quest For The Holy Cow

Now that I've got your attention ... Hail and well-met and  welcome to my first attempt at a webpage.  This joint should get increasingly jumpin' as I get more of a feel for what I'm doing.

This site will be undergoing renovation/relocation in the very near future. For a preview click here for a photo gallery or here for a sample front page . Constructive suggestions are very welcome and can be made in my guestbook.

6 March 2002 -- Latest additions: go see our new message board The Sackful of Badgers and join the conversational fray. or check out my oh-so-exciting blog. The complete site overhaul and/or relocation should be happening soon, I swear!

Umm ... a little bit about me to start things off:

I'm Melanie. 

I grew up in beautiful Richmond, VA

I graduated from the College of William and Mary with a degree in Music and History in May of

At present, I am working towards a Master's degree in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester .    (see,  there ARE worthwile things for us liberal arts types to pursue!)

This site is going to be devoted to my friends, family  and random stuff that appeals to me.  This  includes (but isn't limited to): the Beatles, the Middle Ages, tilting with windmills, movies, Shakespeare,
Star Wars,   the UK, Ben Folds Five, singing (!), ducks,  history, Monty Python,  museums, R.E.M.,  the Muppets, Ewan McGregor,  dreadful puns, Sting,  Star Trek (TOS, TNG & New Frontier),
non-sequiters, baseball, Madness ( the state of being and the music group),  the list is potentially

Anyway, welcome to my weird corner of the world (or portion thereof on the internet).
Emjoy your visit!


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Wanna see where I got these spiffy graphics from?  Check out 

This page created using Netscape Composer.
Then it was edited by Dave Canter who is wonderful, but being a tad full of himself. (Mel) ;-)

Bottles of beer on the wall ...