     Dear visitors!
     Unfortunately, due to irregular connection during updating, hanging of the site in defect state is possible, with impossibility to download some of the files. Please try to download them from the mirror (see below) or contact the author of the site by e-mail (the address see at the end of this page).
     The materials presented on this site are:
small programs written in Pascal (sources);
materials on language studies;
materials on social and cultural issues.

     Mirror of this site (mainly in Russian):

     Useful links
     Author's foreword
     Recent updates

     Science-related programs (in Pascal, sources):

Download: HIMAKU.ZIP (10K)
reflection and transmission of multilayer systems;
Download: DODEKAED.ZIP (18K)
Generation of eicosahedron, fullerene, etc.
Download: OGRANKA.ZIP (22K)
drawing of forms of crystals;
Go to: NAUCHN.HTM (9K)
Natural sciences, science-related programs - FULL LIST.

     Programming and computer science:

Download: ANALIZ.ZIP (28K)
details of files *.BMP, *.PCX, NE-EXE and PE-EXE;
Download: ZAPUSK.ZIP (9K)
play with system of messages of Win95 (in assembly language).
Programming and computer science - FULL LIST.

     Language studies:

Go to: enebi.htm(15K)
Language studies - comments and FULL LIST.
Presented are: Chinese and Japanese languages - labelling of readings and meanings of hieroglyphs and words; Ivrit language - extraction of dictionary forms; other languages - miscellanea.
Go to: krestoma.htm(3K)
Texts in various languages.
"Reading-book" for amators of exotic languages. (Ate present, there are presented 2 short teksts in Tatar language).
     Natural sciences

2003,5,7 - passage of Mercury over Solar disk.

     Social and cultural issues:

Download: KEYRUS.ZIP (19K)
Cyrillization for MS DOS for reading the below listed texts.
Download: CERIKOVE.ZIP (25K)
From memoirs of I. Cherikover: anti-Jews pogroms in Ukraine (in Russian);
Download: SUBTEL_N.ZIP (13K)
Orest Subtelny about life of Ukrainians in Austro-Hungary and Poland (in Ukrainian);
Go to: SOC_CULT.HTM (9K)
Social and cultural issues - FULL LIST.

     Epistolar works and personal diary

Download: 1 2 (6..11K)
La[on\jnu, abo v na[a mowa.
Download: REKLAMA.ZIP (4K)
Chef-d'oeuvres of art of advertisement
     "N'yuveis" company: growing bald, growing thin, rejuvenation.
Download: PENXE.ZIP (12K)
How sweet is the singing ...
     -Q uve su]estwu$. - Q uve vdu tebq. - Skoro my wstretimsq, `toby re[itx sudxbu two$ i mo$. - Sudxbu gosudarstwa. - Q - gravdanin Ukrainy. - A q - twoj priwatizacionnyj sertifikat.
Epistolar works and personal diary - FULL LIST.

     The pascal programs were tested (if not other stated in specific cases) on IBM PC compatible machines under MS DOS, with the use of TMT 3.30 (see and Free Pascal Compiler, ver. 0.99.14a (see
     CAUTION: for simplicity for pauses I use "readln;", so please press ENTER after output of each picture !!!
     Comments are in Russian (and often abbreviated). However,if somewho will write to me that he wants to have them translated, I shall translate.
     The author regards these programs not as ready-for-use programs, but rather as the material which illustrates some ideas. For this reason, the author does not accompany them with GNU Public Licence etc. (It seems strange, to waste the space on innumerable copies of license; better would seem to make it an universally recognized default that the absence of license denotes GNU Public licence; however, if somewho has experienced that something similar is really necessary in the contemporary world, I would be grateful if he would explain it to me).

The description of my page is:
Small SciTech Progs
Soc/Cult etc.

Counter: Counter .

aaaaaE-mail addresses to contact the author:
s e k i r i n 1 @ y a h o o . c o m ;
s e k i r i n @ i o p . k i e v . u a (less reliable).

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