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美國土木工程師學會資深會員 __________________________________________香港德明學院土木工程學士
英國公路工程師學會資深會員 ____________________________________________香港城市大學法律學碩士
中國工程師學會永久會員 ____________________________________________________北京大學法律學學士

池 萬 鍾
Ir Chee Man-chung
Registered Professional Engineer (Civil & Geotechnical)

P.O.Box 70134, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 香港 九龍中央郵政信箱 70134 號
E-mail 電子郵箱 : cheemanchung@yahoo.com



Mr. Chee is currently an independent consultant specializing in project management and legal advisory to contractors. He graduated from Tak Ming College at Hong Kong with a bachelor's degree of science in civil engineering in 1965, after which he was appointed Assistant Engineer by Taylor Woodrow Overseas Limited to supervising the construction of the Hong Kong Ocean Terminal building, then joined consulting engineers and contractors where he has participated design and construction of multidisciplines public works in Hong Kong, Macau, China and Southeast Asia involved a variety of heavy civil engineering projects included new town developments, roads, tunnels, bridges, airports, buildings, foundations, slopes, mass transit railway structures, marine & reclamation works, river rehabilitation works, reservoirs, sewerage and drainage works. He had joined Water Supplies Department of Hong Kong Government in 1990 on contract for many years responsible for consultants' management and managed in-house projects for water supplies before returned to consultancy carrer.

His particular expertise is in the areas of project management & contract administration for planning, design and construction of civil engineering, geotechnical works, environmental and water engineering.

He was appointed Demonstrator to teach Land Survey at Tak Ming College in his last year studentship. He was a part-time Lecturer at Far East College where he taught Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering in Civil Engineering Department.

Later Mr. Chee earned a bachelor's degree in laws from Peking University in 1995 and a master's degree also in laws from the City University of Hong Kong in 2002.

Mr. Chee is a registered professional engineer in the civil and geotechnical engineering disciplines and he also is a practicing geologist.


池萬鍾先生,生於中國廣東省廣州市。 一九六五年香港德明學院土木工程系畢業,獲中華民國教育部授予土木工程理學士學位,在大學四年級上學期巳被系主任兼土地測量科教授推薦校方委任為土地測量科助教,四年級下學期巳受聘在 Taylor Woodrow Overseas Ltd. (泰華建築有限公司) 為駐工地助理工程師參與建造 "香港海運大廈" 。其後加入各大顧問工程師事務所、參予建設香港之各大公共工程項目(包括萬宜水庫及其道路網; 啟德機場跑道延伸; 屯門公路; 呈祥道; 石排灣道; 西九龍走廊高架道路; 第8號幹線公路; 地下鐵路荃灣線及港島線; 沙田及將軍澳等新市鎮的建設; 吳桐河整治工程; 斜坡修建; 供水及渠務工程 ), 及鄰近國家之公共及商營 工程項目。曾經任職香港政府水務署工程師參與管理顧問工程組及建築部。曾於遠東書院土木工程系擔任講師執教土壤力學及基礎工程學。參加專業考試成為香港工程師學會會員;中國工程師學會永久會員;美國土木工程師學會資深會員;英國公路工程師學會資深會員; 澳洲工程師學會會員; 香港地質學會會員。為註冊專業工程師(土木及岩土工程)。又專研法律,於一九九五年畢業於北京大學法律學系獲頒授法學士學位、又於二零零二年畢業於香港城市大學法律學院主修比較法學獲頒授法學碩士學位。

池萬鍾先生為註冊及專業工程師(土木及岩土工程) 亦是執業地質師、專研大地岩土、善長於工程項目管理、公路工程、斜坡工程及基礎工程專業。

Updated on 28 August 2008

1964 Teaching Survey 1965 at HK Ocean Terminal

1965 B.Sc.(Civil Eng.)

1995 LL.B.

2002 LL.M.

2002 LL.M.

2002 LL.M.