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FCC recently adopted rules creating a new, noncommercial
low power FM radio (LPFM) service. The new service will
consist of stations with maximum power levels of 10 watts
- reaching an area with a radius of between 1 and 2 miles
- and 100 watts - reaching an area with a radius of approximately
3 ½ miles.
- Live Nashville traffic report
Live Nashville traffic report that
covers heavy, moderate, light traffic, and road closings. Click on the
Nashville area map for detailed description of the incident.
- Opry Mills set to open
May 12, 2000, The opening of Opry Mills this
week has gotten both applause and criticism.
Nashvillians have been driving down Briley
Parkway in droves to the mall, but taxpayers are
also raising their eyebrows about off duty police
officers being paid for by the city.

Visitors since 05/11/1997