This site is primarily a source of general and specific information regarding WebTV and its use as an Internet browser and communication device. A few pages are necessarily written with HTML and JavaScript that is tailored specifically for WebTV's browser, and those will not work as they should when viewed on a computer.

There are two main sections to the site: the information pages and the links. The information pages include an Introduction to WebTV; the links pages are a vast sea of sites that I feel people will find of use, or at the very least entertaining.

If you find these pages helpful or interesting, or not (like that could happen), or if you have any questions* or comments, or find any dead links, let me know.

-Paul Erickson

Note: if you preferred the old Links Page, here it is.

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The root "physical" location of this site is

This site is mirrored in its entirety at primarily lives on my computer's hard drive
as of 8/21/99, administered with Macromedia Dreamweaver 2.0

*unfortunately, I no longer have time to answer questions about HTML coding

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2252 processor hours @ 12/8/99, looking for "Them"

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