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Communication is information sharing. The basic means of communication are by seeing and hearing. Sometimes smelling,tasting, and touching are considered communication but that is usually only in the literal sense.

Society depends on communication. Without communication government would cease to function. Business would come to a halt. Our military defenses, police, and fire protection could not protect citizens without communications. Weather information would not be available for farmers or airline pilots. Our food supply and transportation would be in complete disarray. Loss of communication would result in the loss of family ties. Entertainment would cease to exist as we know it today. Modern society would cease to exist.

Man uses many symbols to communicate. Because words are the easiest of all symbols, most societies attach words to everything people visualize, know, or hear.

As people use the same word over and over it develops a common meaning. When enough words develop a common meaning, then the words are tied together into some kind of structure. This structure then develops into the language for its country.

Some written languages have used pictures instead of words to communicate. Prehistoric man used pictures. The Egyptians used hieroglyphics. Mathematics is a special written language

Language and writing help a cultured society meet its basic and physical needs. Meeting the basic needs as described by Maslow would be totally consuming without communication. Communication helps us specialize and gives us more time to fulfill man's emotional needs. Without adequate communication society could not meet the hierarchy of needs we have grown up to accept.

Communication enables society to span distances by moving beyond face to face communications. As communications improve in a society, it becomes capable of more specialization and diversity. Communication must stay in step or lead technological improvement. Today's world has communication and technology linked at the hip. Computers have made it possible for the development of the internet or the information super-highway. Where will it all end. No one knows. Maybe someday communication, technology, and knowledge will allow us to make a mental connection. One hundred years ago, the information super-highway would have seemed as impossible and it's here today.

Take a look at some of the developments in Communication that have changed the face of the world.

Austrailian National Science and Technology Centre

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This Site Was Last Updated on May 14, 2006