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Maison Dreamer!
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This site contains no advertising for which I am being compensated.  All icons linking to other sites are here as an expression of my support.

   You've surfed upon my not-so-little Home On the Web.  Here you'll find a repository of my thoughts, predictions, beliefs, and maybe, a few errant mutterings.  :-)  (And even if you don't agree with what you see here, feel free to email me about it.)  I'm what you might call a freedom-loving high-technophile rationalist.  I think you'll find a thing or two of interest somewhere on my over 2 dozen pages.  My links page has once again been totally revamped, and I've culled some of the old linkrot out of it.  I'm also adding more material to my big ol' op-ed page, so be sure to take a look there.  As usual, my home page is "always under construction," though you shouldn't find any bad html.  I'm adding more graphics and content over time.  I never know when I'll have time to work on it, so check back from time to time.  At some point I may combine my op-ed and index pages, and/or add a Table of Contents frame.  And coming one of these days years, maybe, my own VRML space station!
   Here's a rough guide to what I've got to date.

Highlights: Other interesting stuff:    Can't figure out what the object is that I'm using for a background graphic on this page?  Hint:  a link on one of my pages is an indirect link to it.  Hint #2:  you wouldn't want to get this close to it.  Hint #3:  You won't find this anywhere on Earth, though one was once spotted over Ganymede.  Give up?  The answer is here.
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