This page is dedicated to the use and enjoyment of the Siemens Gigaset telephone systems. As each product is introduced, you’ll find tutorials and frequently asked questions about it. The intent is to help you make the most of your own Gigaset. While the site is under construction, some of the help items won't be available, but you're invited to write me about anything related to the Gigaset products. I’ll always welcome your input, especially on things you don’t find that you’d like to see. Click here to Email me with your questions or input.

First things first . . . "Siemens" and "Gigaset" are registered trademarks of Siemens Corporation and the photographs are copyrighted by Siemens. This site is completely unofficial and unauthorized by Siemens, and neither Siemens, its officers or employees are responsible for any of its content or liable for any errors in it. By entering the site you acknowledge all these things and agree to hold Siemens, its officers and employees harmless from any actions arising from your use of the information in this web site. You also agree to refrain from distributing the contents of this site to others except by reference to the site.

Gigaset 2420 Help
Dealers & Prices
Gigaset Product Overview (U.S. & Canada)
Handset / Base Unit Compatibility Charts
Gigaset Menu Trees
Other Useful Sites