A Word of Memorial for those who entered:

39 men and women are dead. They took their own lives in a leap of faith by believing that they would find a better life.
Read all of their words before you make any judgements about those 39 souls. They were real live human men and women and their opinions deserve as much respect as your own do.
Always remember this universal truth. At some time each and every one of us will indeed enter Heaven's Gate. I pray that you live in such a manner as to be able to maintain the same level of faith in your beliefs as the 39 did in theirs when it happens to you.
Think about that the next time you design or laugh at a Heaven's Gate or Higher Source joke. It is terribly self destructive! And there is no cause for humor in the destruction of any life.
Always remember that we will all pass through Heaven's Gate someday whether we like it or not. Via one method or another.
I pray that you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour before you do pass through Heavens Gate. If you don't know Jesus just ask God and be patient and without a doubt you soon will!
Jesus Christ the Living Son of the Creator of the Universe is right there for you the moment you ask for Him to come into your life.
(the authors of this page are not now, nor have ever been members of the Heaven's Gate group)
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