
Well, welcome to the web-page. It's taken me a while to get started on this, so I hope the end result is worthwhile. I guess that my main point in making one is to have is as personable as possible. I'm continuously being told by others that I'm about as transparent as saran wrap and as subtle as a freight train, so I hope I can be pretty clear an distinct on my own page as well. I have chosen not to fill my pages with frivilous pictures and internet tools, because there is a distinct message and decorum I am trying to just wouldn't be me. I like things simple and modest.

I have a lot of interests, and so you'll find a lot of topics on the following pages and links: from my microbiology and premed studies; to ideas and doctrines on God, music and inspiration. This web page is a medium for me in which I can share and be taught, teach and yet learn. Please feel free to send comments to me at any time.