HERMETIC Clickmap -switch your pictures ON, this is a Graphic-site

OH ?!? So you're using the old 'HMTL'-format? Forget it sucker - try the future, make your first step into Cyberspace come to a VRML -community! What is it? - It's a 3-Dimensional multi user world. You can move in all directions, examine or just explore, and in some cases SEE and chat with other people who are in that same world. If you have Netscape 3.x, 4.x (or MSIE) you should have a look at the blaxxun plugin I have listed below. Alternatively, if you just want to browse a VRML world (without the multi user element) download the cosmo plugin intead! See you there!

For you all who like COMICS take a look at this: www.inc-comic.org, some of their stories are in english -and I bet it's not like the most comic-stuff you know -hope you like it (I'm inside)!

The plugins: (free download!)

'ccpro' 3-D chat:http://www.blaxxun.com

If you have installed a VRML-plugin,
you might visit my HomeWorld 'ISLE' enjoy!

Questions about VRML? -go here:

hope to CU (see you) soon!

special thanx to 'fire'
who improved my english! hehe

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