My world, and welcome to it!
-- James Thurber

Welcome to my homepage...

On a particularly boring afternoon centuries ago, Isaac Newton sat under an apple tree, and the rest is physics. On another particularly boring afternoon many decades later, Charles Ludwig Dogson went on a boatride with a kid and became famous as Lewis Carroll. Yet another boring afternoon many more decades later, India decided enough was enough, and conducted a few nuclear tests. In the many afternoons that came before, between and after these events, many things happened -- wars were declared, great scientific discoveries were made, and in one particular book, the earth was destroyed by Vogon spaceships to make way for a new hyperspace bypass. So what is it with afternoons? I really don't know! If I had known, I probably wouldn't be bored enough to write at such length about such a particularly boring topic. The best answer I can think of is Zaphod Beeblebrox's: "Time is bunk."
Anyway, on one such particularly boring afternoon, just after lunch, I got an idea. An idea, which one look at any search engine will tell you, people are getting more frequently and effortlessly than mice (the biological species Mus musculus, you geeks!) beget more mice. Unlike little mice though, the survival rate of these ideas seems to be quite high, and as a result there's little Darwinism at play here. My idea was no less fitter than that of millions of others, so it survived too. To cut a short story long, I decided to make a homepage. To create it from scratch, no less! It isn't exactly as pathbreaking as the afternoon activities of the Department of Atomic Energy or the Cambridge student, nor as significant and imaginative as that of the Oxford mathematician. Yet, I hope you find these pages worth your while in your bored hours...

So here goes... a short list of pages I've come up with, or am in the process of coming up with, or will be in the process of coming up with for as long as this web thing lasts (which, for all you and I know, could be next Thursday afternoon). Since you're here anyway and have wasted some amount of time reading all the bullshit upto this point, go ahead and try your luck with these few links...

Have fun!

I know, this is the place for a counter. But I hate to tell you, my guest, that you are just a number to me -- the 'n+1'th visitor to my site. You know what, you are a special visitor, so go to the Comments section and leave a message!

This page was last edited Thursday, March 1, 2001 16:14 Indian Standard Time.