I know I've said I'd update it day after day after day. The truth is I've made a lot of programs, many things I would'nt have dreamed of making when I was 13 years old (when this webpage was created... 6 years ago). The three things that got me through all this was maths, logic and patience.

So I beg you to be patient, if any of you original loyal viewers remain, there will be a time when this is updated, with brand new programs. For I am soon working on another project -- which will attack the very cause of this webpage being down for so long.

I'm working on a QuickBASIC cross-platform compiler and hopefully what I can muster out of a QB-like editor. I know it's far fetched, but the movement is growing! I know people like leroy have attempted it in the past with re-compilers, and some have produced workable things -- but nothing to the extent that would make you switch enviroments!

I am in 3rd year university now, but I'm doing a 4th year unit (Fractal geometery, and yea I have coded something for it which can be found here -- click here for the fractal thing![fixed]). Anyway, whoever is reading this, thanks for making it to the signature.

I'll be back! =)
