Have a look....

        [Alan Taylor portrait done in Painter 4.0]

        ...and tell me what you think.

        First, let me tell you about my computer. I have a DELL Dimension 8200 with 512 megs of RAM. Inside, I have 210 GB's of hard drive space. I use a MAG Innovision 19" monitor driven by a Canopus TNT video board with 16 megs of VRAM. Attached to all this I have a CONNECTIX QuickCam, a IOMEGA ZIP drive, and a KODAK DS-1 Photo Scanner. I just got a digital camera from NIKON called the Coolpix 880 and I really love this thing. Output is on two HP printers: a LaserJet 4L and a 820Cse. The above image was made using Fractal Design's PAINTER 4.0 and is a composite of 3 images. It's based on a tutorial that comes with the manual. I substituted my mug for the beautiful girl they used in the example.

        PictraNet is a web site that lets you host an album of your images. This is a free service and only requires you to establish a user ID and password and download their free software to organize and post your albums. Check out my PictraNet Album here. IMPORTANT! You will need to hit your browsers "Back" button to return to my homepage. The images in my PictraNet album are a combination of photos, 3-D images and digitally manipulated photos. Click the Zing banner below to see a Zing photo album of my Sheepdog Sophie.

        [graphics logo]

        Links to GRAPHIC sites I think are useful.

        Ulead Systems

        Caligari Home World

        MetaCreations Inc. Web Site

        TrueSpace 3D Resource Page

        3D Artist Magazine Home Page

        [photography logo]

        [Pano shot of plantation]

        This is Westover Plantation located on the James River in Virginia. Photo taken with a FujiFilm Endeavor 250 APS camera using "pano" mode.

        Links to PHOTOGRAPHY sites I think are cool.






        PHOTO>Electronic Imaging Magazine

        Digital Light & Color, Inc.

        Selected Civil War Photographs

        Alan Taylor
        3822 Sir Francis Drake Dr
        Chesapeake, Va. 23321

        ICQ UIN=127531

        Page me on ICQ!

        When I'm not behind my PC or camera, I'm working at my dental practice.

        © 1998-2001

        Send email to: alandds@cox.net

        Read my Dreambook!
        Sign my Dreambook!

        Click the play button to start getting cured.