Rife & other electro-medical gas plasma tubes

Welcome to Bill's Rife Pages ©1997

This web site is dedicated to passing on and sharing whatever information on Rife and related research and technology I may discover or that may come my way, along with showing details relating to my own specific interest in plasma tubes. To this end, the information presented here will be added to and/or changed as appropriate.

My own particular focus is the development and fabrication of the various rare/noble gas filled plasma tubes, including the Phanotron tube (see photo below) that was originally used by Royal Raymond Rife and his associates, and which was used with all the Rife and Rife related equipment in those early days of experimentation and use. For those visitors who are not familiar with who R.R. Rife was or what he did, CLICK HERE to see a very fascinating brief history and explanation. If your web browser has difficulty viewing the PDF document, Email me and I'll send you the file by email. (Use the "Back" button on your web browser to return to this page)

Included in this site are some interesting pages on plasma discharge tubes that I manufacture along with a page showing and describing the process of how a tube is fabricated. I think you'll find them worth viewing. Along with these pages, I have created a Featured Articles page. It is for any relevant and interesting material I come across that's related to healing, health and the human condition. I've placed no limit on the kind of articles shown here and you'll find stuff that ranges from, as they say, the ridiculous to the sublime.



Bill Cheb




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Energized phanotron plasma tube


(CLICK HERE) to view more plasma tube pictures.

The information which appears in this page has been put together from a variety of sources. It is intended to assist anyone who wishes to experiment with Rife technology and the use of audio frequencies in the elimination of dis-ease and unnatural conditions that can affect any body. This document is for use by those who are already familiar in the use of Rife devices and is intended as a supplement to their experiments. No claims are made as to the effectiveness of this technology and it is not legal to use it on anyone other than yourself or test animals.

I hope that this information is useful to those who are actively experimenting and that they will make known the information on the results of their own experiments. You may also want to see the documentation on the Phanotron tube I have available which is intended to be used with the Rife/Bare or similar systems. To this end, feel free to contact me.

Bill Cheb

We have created a Rife Info CD which has a wealth of varied information on Plasma Tubes (naturally), Rife systems and devices and experemental electro-medical devices in general, as well as information on alternative wellness approaches. This CD is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended to be a substitute for proper medical advice or diagnosis. The CD is FREE to anyone who writes and requests one. Your written request can be mailed to: Phanotron Systems, 9828-79th Street, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6A 3G1. The CD is absolutely free, but if you'd like to throw in a buck or two to help cover the cost of mailing etc., that would be very helpful.


The main areas on this site:

Bill's Tube Gallery

Making of a Plasma Tube

A Brief History of R. R. Rife

Rife and Related Web-links

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