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Nikolay BugrovResearcher |
Ph.D. (Radiation Protection) 1997 - 1999 State Research Centre of the Russian Federation, Moscow Biophysics Institute, Moscow, Russia;
1993 Ionizing radiation dosimetry training (Thermoluminescence dosimetry), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia;
1992 Courses on Radioactive isotopes and nuclear rays application in National economy at the Chemistry Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia;
M.Sc. (Mechanics) 1984 - 1989 , Chelyabinsk Technical University, Russia
1995 - Present: JCCRER PROJECT 1.1;
2005 - Present: International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) Project # 2841;
2005 - Present: SOUL;
1999 - 2004: International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) Project #509;
1997 - 1999: INCO COPERNICUS Contract No. ERBIC–15CT–969305
Biological systems adaptation to extreme factors of the environment. Chelyabinsk, Russia, October 2004 (oral presentation);
Actual questions of radiation hygiene. St-Peterburg, Russia, June 2004 (oral presentation);
13th Solid State Dosimetry Conference, Athens, Greece, July 2001 (poster presentation);
Second International Symposium "Chronic Radiation Exposure: Possibilities of biological indication". Chelyabinsk, Russia, March 2000 (poster presentation);
Problems of Ecology and Ecological Education in the Chelyabinsk Region. Chelyabinsk, Russia, April 1998 (oral presentation);
2000 to present: physicist researcher of biophysics laboratory URCRM,
2001, 2000, 1997, 1996, 1995: visiting-scientist, Institute for Radiation Protection (GSF), Munich, Germany (8 or 4 weeks each year for collaborative investigations using TL measurements of ceramic samples for TL dating and retrospective radiation dosimetry. Equipment used: TL–DA12, Riso)
1997, 1996: visiting-scientist, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, U.S.A. (8 weeks each year for collaborative investigations using TL measurements of ceramic samples for TL dating and retrospective radiation dosimetry. Equipment used: Daybreak/Utah 100 TL reader).
1995: visiting-scientist, Institute for Radiation Hygiene (BfS), Munich, Germany. (4 weeks ).
1993-2000: physicist junior researcher of biophysics laboratory. Application of thermoluminescence methods for dating and retrospective radiation dosimetry.
1991-1993: engineer of biophysics laboratory of URCRM (programmer, local PC network administrator, radiation dosimetry, research assistant).
1991 to present staff member of the Urals Research Centre for Radiation Medicine, URCRM.
Radiation dosimetry, spectroscopy, archaeological dating
Bougrov N.G., Tolstykh E.I., Degteva M.O., Shagina N.B., Kozheurov V.P., Tokareva E.E., Mikusheva R.K., Kuzina T.V. Monitoring of body burden long-lived radionuclides for the Urals region inhabitants. Proceedings of Scientific and Practical Conference: Actual questions of radiation hygiene. St-Peterburg, pp. 66-68, 2004.
Bougrov N.G., Farafontov V.G. Whole Body Counter (WBC) modernization as a factor for reliability improvement of body burden monitoring of the Urals region inhabitants. Proceedings of regional Conference: Biological systems adaptation to extreme factors of the environment. Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University Publishing, pp. 166-171, 2004.
Shishkina E.A., Degteva M.O., Vorobiova M.I., Tolstykh E.I., Bougrov N.G., Shagina N.B., Shved V.A., Zalyapin V.I., Krivoshchapov V.A. The Techa River incident: description of the case and of the experimental approach to the retrospective dose assessment. CD Proceedings Workshop Dosimetria Interna: Aspetti della ricerca. Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, pp. 1-17, 2004
Jacob P., Goksu H.Y., Taranenko V.A., Meckbach R., Bougrov N.G., Degteva M.O., Vorobiova M.I. “On an evaluation of external dose values in the Techa River Dosimetry System (TRDS) 2000 Radiat Environ Biophys 2003, Vol.42, pp. 169–174.
Bougrov N.G., Baturin V.A., Goeksu H.Y., Degteva M. and Jacob P. Investigations of thermoluminescence dosimetry in the Techa River flood plain: analysis of the new results. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2002, Vol. 101, Nos. 1-4, pp. 225-228.
H.Y. Goksu, M.O. Degteva, N.G. Bougrov, R. Meckbach, E.H. Haskell, I.K. Bailiff, L. Botter-Jensen, H. Jungner, and P. Jacob First international intercomparison of luminescence techniques using samples from the Techa river valley. Health Physics, 2002, Vol. 82 (1), p. 94.
Bougrov N.G., Degteva M..O, Goeksu H.Y., Meckbach R. and Jacob P. Retrospective thermoluminescence dosimetry on the upper Techa river. Radiat. Safety Problems (Mayak Production Association Scientific Journal) ¹ 3, pp. 5162; 2001 (in Russian).
Degteva M., Jacob P., Vorobiova M.I., Bougrov N.G., Akleyev A.V., Romanyukha A.A., Wieser A., Meckbach R., Goksu H.Y. and Taranenko V.A. Comparative analysis of methods used in external dose reconstruction for the Techa river population. Proceedings of II-nd International Symposium "Chronic radiation exposure: possibilities of biological indication". Chelyabinsk, 2000, pp. 176-177.
Bougrov N.G., Baturin V.A., Goeksu H.Y., Degteva M. External gamma-dose reconstruction in the upper Techa river: the new results of thermoluminescence investigations. Proceedings of II-nd International Symposium "Chronic radiation exposure: possibilities of biological indication". Chelyabinsk, 2000, pp. 177-178.
Bougrov N.G. Assessment of the external gamma-doses on the Techa river valley area using thermoluminescence method. Proceedings of regional Conference on the Ecology and Ecological Education in the Chelyabinsk region. Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University Publishing, 1999, pp. 95-99.
Bougrov N.G., Goeksu H.Y., Haskell E., Degteva M.O., Meckbach R., Jacob P. Issues in the Reconstruction of Environmental Doses on the Basis of Thermoluminescence Measurements in the Techa Riverside. Health Physics, 1998, Vol. 75(6), p. 574-583.
Goeksu Y., Heide L.M., Bougrov N.G., A.R.Dalheimer and Meckbach R. Retrospective dose assessment and dose depth distribution in a brick from South Ural by using thermoluminescence. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 1996, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 433-440.
Degteva M.O., Kozheurov V.P., Burmistrov D.S., Vorobiova M.I., Valchuk V.V., Bougrov N.G. and Shishkina H.A. An Approach to Dose Reconstruction for the Urals Population Health Physics, 1996, V.71(1), p.71-76.
Bougrov N.G., Vlasov V.K., Kiryukhin O.V., Fatkulbayanova N.L. Thermoluminescence measurements of ceramic samples from accidentally polluted territory of Southern Urals. Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Measurements, 1995, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 493-498
Dr. Nikolay Bugrov
Biophysics laboratory
Urals Research Centre for Radiation Medicine (URCRM)
68-A Vorovsky Str. , Chelyabinsk 454076, Russia
e-mail: nick@urcrm.chel.su
Tel: +7 351 2327-919
Fax: +7 351 2327-913
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