Xuehai's Home Page

Engineering and Programming

I am a petroleum engineer and also a computer programmer.

Engineering and programming is how I make a living.

I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, and the top priority in my life is Falun Dafa cultivation.

What is Falun Dafa?

Falun Dafa, a cultivation way of a high order in the Buddhas' School and founded by Master Li HongZhi, cultivates the supreme cosmic qualities ---- "Zhen Shan Ren" (Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance). It stresses especially on the cultivation of Xinxing (human Mind) and maintains that Xinxing is the key to the growth of one's cultivation energy: the higher the Xinxing, the higher the cultivation energy.

Falun Dafa is to cultivate a Falun (Law Wheel), an intelligent entity and a miniature of the cosmos. The Falun synchronizes with the revolution of the cosmos, and it has the same characteristics as the cosmos. While Falun is rotating clockwise, it offers salvation to the practitioner himself. While it is rotating counter-clockwise, it offers salvation to all life. When the Falun, planted into a practitioner's lower abdomen by Master Li, spins clockwise (inner rotation), it automatically absorbs and evolves the cosmic energy and helps the practitioner with his practice; when the Falun spins counter-clockwise (outer rotation), it releases energy, purifies the practitioner's body and puts right all the wrong conditions. The Falun rotates 24 hours a day and puts the practitioner in the state of cultivation all the time. Of all the cultivation systems, Falun Dafa is the first and the only system which possesses the quality of "Law cultivates practitioner, not practitioner cultivates the Law".


Characteristics of Falun Dafa


Falun Screen Saver:

I have created a Falun screen saver. Please visit Dallas Falun Dafa Group Web Site to download one.