Committed to Nature Conservation

Kwaggasdrift two has been launched !

" There was a time when the area north of Pretoria, was home only to vast herds

of game and small bands of nomadic San people. Then, from the north, came the

black tribes and, later, from the south, the white settlers. With them came the

cow and the plough, the axe and the rifle..... And the wildlife disappeared,

little by little....

..... Fortunately, the wheel has turned ....."



".....We have a vision, a dream of restoration of the land,

the re-introduction and re-establishment of wildlife. The

farmers are removing their fences, animals have returned,

and soon, the land retain its natural rythms...."

A few facts about the Kwaggasdrift Conservancy

  • 40 km N-E of Pretoria, 1 hour from Johannesburg, near the Rust de Winter dam.
  • Originally 520 ha, growing constantly and now reaching 1700 ha
  • 4.8 km of the Elands River frontage, with Extensive birdlife, flora and fauna
  • Different types of land habitats and eco-systems are represented
  • A mix of bush, open savannah, hills, riverine thickets and wetlands
  • Integral part of the NEGI regional development program
  • Kudu, blesbuck, and zebra are already established
  • Other species are being introduced (impala, wildebeest)
  • Diversity within the dozen of shareholders, who come from various horizons
  • Non-profit, privately-driven initiative managed by wildlife enthusiasts

A few photos

Conbretum, Terminalia, and wild Syringa are just a few

of the many tree and plant communities that calls

Kwaggasdrift home.


The Elands River supports a wide diversity of bird species.


Otters, cormorants, kingfishers and mongoose find

the Elands River ideal habitat.


Zebra and blesbuck are just two of the mammal species

of Kwaggasdrift.


One of the few roads going through the reserve


Grassveld savannah of Kwaggasdrift is ideal for plains

game such as zebra, blue wildebeest, and red hartebeest.


Game released on 10 September 2000.

Ready, steady,

... go !

The reserve now includes 8 Wildebeests,

a dozen of zebras,

as well as numerous antelopes and bucks.

Picnic on the site of one of the first lodges to be built.

Exchanging ideas with the next door game reserves.

See you soon !

For contact or information, email

to David, at: or,

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Last updated : 25-Mar-01