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             Autumn Moon


Currently, i am a amatuer photographer. I enjoy anything dealing in the arts (from painting to humanities). . i take active roles in helping the environment and third world countries.
i do cherish my invisions of peace on earth.

on a lighter note, i also collect elephants and butterflies.


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In my journey through life i have witnessed many trite obessions and trivial pursuits; and wherein, I realize our only fate is to be born, grow old, and die.  In this transforamtion, I realize to be alive, i must be dead to the past. i must have life-centered, present-moment awareness, so i leave you this.

Life is magical, mysterious, wondrous, and miraculous. Lose the magic, and you lose life. It becomes dull and joyless. The worst curse to befall anyone is stagnation, a banal existence, the quiet desperation that comes out as a need for conformity.

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