Cherry Hill Environmental Protection Advocates
Formerly: the Cherry Hill Environmental Advisory Board
From 1/11/90 - 12/6/99





Our Issues  |  Meeting Minutes  |  Related Sites  |  Our Achievements 














Protecting Cherry Hill's Environment Today for Future Generations





We are citizen volunteers dedicated to protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. We study environmental issues and make recommendations to Cherry Hill Township and other government agencies. We are independent of any elected official. Join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month for our monthly meeting. We meet from 7 to 9 P.M. in Room 106 of the Cherry Hill Township Municipal Building located at 820 Mercer Street. Our meetings are open to the public and we welcome new members.















Cherry Hill




Environmental Protection Advocates






     Lou Catunna, Chairman

      Roxane C. Shinn, Secretary






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