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Indonesian case study


Land use and land cover changes are one of the fundamental phenomena in the earth system's dynamics. In a developing country like Indonesia where agricultural expansion, forest logging, and industrial development are taking place at the same time, the magnitude of this dynamics is very intense. Although the impacts of each of individual land use activity can be better predicted, the combined impacts of various land uses in a landscape mosaic are far from being completely understood. In many cases, land use and land cover changes demonstrate a complex response function and very spatially contextual. Adding global environmental change concerns on top of this complex function will raise more questions as to the detailed dynamics of the change, their impacts to global change, and the options for land use decision makers to improve their practice.

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LCLUC Indonesia © 2001

Gedung 2 BPPT Lantai 19, Jl. Thamrin no.8 Jakarta 10340, INDONESIA
Telp. 62 (21) 3169706, Fax. 3169720, E-mail: luccindo@yahoo.com

Last modified: 27-Mar-2001 at 11:53:53 WIB

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