Smurfette's Place
Hello everyone. My name's Giselle but online I'm Smurfette. I hope you like my website. I've last updated this on 12/1/00 so at least it's fairly up to date.  Check everything I have so far on this and have some fun with it. I hope you all are being good to the earth and yourself. Thanks for the visit!!! See more about me very soon... I'll try hard to update this often, really. Um,well, that's all I got for now. Hope some fun looking through all I got here. Take care and don't do anything I wouldn't do. :P
Come visit my other web site...
Visit World Wildlife Fund's Web Page...
My Other Yahoo! Site
Visit Earthshare's web page...
Give Food to the Needy for Free...
The Hunger Site
Baylor Neuroscience Society...
World Wildlife
"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature ino his pictures"- Henry Ward Beecher
Hey, look! That's me!!!! I'm just being my usual goofy self on a trip to Austin. If you look closely, you can tell we're stopped off just by the highway to waste film.
Plant a tree for free....
Email and see if I reply
Me in a Tree
Trees for Life
What is the Magellan Society???
Baylor Neuroscience Society
The Magellan Society
My Baylor Site
See my new Baylor web page...
Email me if you like but who knows if I will reply.
Bush the Anti-Conservative