Hello! Welcome to my pictures' page.
My name is Alejandra Pardo, and I was born on January the 7th, 1978, in Mexico City, where I have always lived.
I just finished my undergraduate studies but I still have to finish my thesis work. I studied Biology and have been working with captive bats for a couple of years, but I also have some experience in the fields of Molecular Biology and Veterinary Science,as well as some background regarding subjects from marine mammals to horticulture to oriental medicine.
I'm a social being, so I love hanging around with people I like, specially with people from all around the globe, with different ways of thinking,languages and traditions.
My hobbies include scuba diving, hiking and camping (I'm kind of an outdoor girl). I enjoy meeting new friends, I like home activities such as cooking, but I also enjoy going out, and I definitely love anything related with animals, their environment and behavior.
As indicated in the title of this page..this is just my pictures place...like a gallery, so almost everything I've ever scanned will be here, in different sections...but you won't find anything else about me. So, if you want to take a look at my personal photo album, you're on the right place. To go to my official website (with more info and written stuff)...click on the icon below. A great page, still under construction, but delightfully designed by my friend Patric Nilsson (Thanks, Patric!)

My Official Website
This page has been visited
Just me.
Family and pets.
Scuba Diving and Related
Field Trips and Biological Expeditions.
Laboratory work.
Travelling and tours.
My last scanned pictures....UPDATED!!!.
If you want to see EVEN MORE pictures, you may go to my HUGE pictures page...it has like 8 or 9 pictures you won't find here, they are worth it..but they are large files and will take longer to download!. Just click here:
My HUGE pics page.

This page was designed by Alejandra Pardo Menéndez