Minnesota Progressive Events Notifications

( Also known as http://www.geocities.com/Rainforest/Wetlands/7009 )
Revised August 30, 2008.     E-mail me at progree(at)iname.com

If you have a progressive event to announce, please email David Shove, shove001(at)tc.umn.edu
-and- mn-prog-events(at)justcomm.org

[A] Resources designed mostly for event notification [A1] mn-prog-events (Minnesota Progressive Events) Mailing List
[A2] Dave Shove's Progressive Events and Calendar Mailing List (Green Party Oriented)
[A3] Peace Calendar (Charles Underwood). (Its all kinds of progressive events, not just war-and-peace)
[A4] DFL Progressive Caucus Events list (it lists much more than DFL Progressive Caucus events).
[A5] Protest Net
[A6] Dem-MN Email list (Democratic Party Oriented)
[A7] Twin Cities Community Connections Calendar (events of all kinds, lots of lectures, not much overtly political)
[B] Various Progressive Links [B#] Alternative Media******
[B1] TCPJ - Twin Cities Peace & Justice Links (Minneapolis/St. Paul)
[B2] Directories of National / International Progressive Organizations
[B3] Nygaard Notes - Twin Cities / Minnesota Progressive Newsletter (Weekly) and web site
[B4] Minnesota, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth Politics Discussion Lists Sponsored by e-democracy.org
[B5] Some Other Progressive Mailing Lists
[B6] Alternative Media - Radio Stations
[B7] Alternative Media - Newspapers, Websites
[B8] Some Other Twin Cities / Minnesota Progressive Organizations

[A] Resources designed mostly for event notification

Suggestion on staying informed of Minnesota progressive events: Join these two lists: A1. mn-prog-events (Minnesota Progressive Events) mailing list, and
A4. The DFL Progressive Caucus Events mailing list.
Since the mn-prog-events list carries Dave Shove's list and Charles Underwood's Peace Calendar, plus a few other random events, you will get pretty much every progressive event at least in the Twin Cities area by subscribing to mn-prog-events and The DFL Progressive Caucus Events mailing lists.

[A1] mn-prog-events - Minnesota Progressive Events Mailing List

This mailing list contains the mailings of the two main multi-organizational Minnesota progressive events notifications mailing lists that I know of:

* Dave Shove's Progressive Events and Calendar Mailing List
* Peace Calendar (Charles Underwood)

So if you are subscribed to mn-prog-events, there is no need to subscribe to any of the above because they all mail to mn-prog-events. ("multi-organizations" means the above mailing lists contain the events of several organizations, not just one organization).

One can review past postings by visiting the archive web page that has current and previous postings http://justcomm.org/mn-prog-events/. Reading over the last 1-3 months of posts will give one a pretty good feel for the progressive organizations in this area and their activities.

Note: Archive of ones from about 1999 until September 1, 2005 are at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mn-prog-events (ARCHIVES ONLY). This mailing list is dead but you might see some recent posts. Ignore them -- these posts are meant just to keep the mailing list alive (i.e. so Yahoo won't shut it down for inactivity).

To subscribe to the mailing list:

Go to http://justcomm.org/mn-prog-events/

Note: at the web site, you can adjust it so that you get:
(1) individual emails as they are posted (DEFAULT) -or-
(2) a daily digest mode: all emails posted during a day are combined into one email and sent to you -or-
(3) no email -- you can view messages at the web site just like it was a message board.

To post an announcement to the mailing list: Email it to: mn-prog-events(at)justcomm.org

The main characteristics of the mn-prog-events mailing list are:

(1) (Desired):Short Minnesota progressive events notifications. No long political epistles and nothing that is not related to an upcoming Minnesota political event.

(2) (Desired): Generally, one event per message, with date/what/where in the subject heading. Exception: Dave Shove's concise Progressive Calendar is multi-event

(3) Viewable on the web.

(4) People can subscribe and unsubscribe from the mailing list at will, without having to worry about bothering some person. The justcomm.org software handles everything automatically.

(5) You can specify a daily digest mode to cut down the number of individual emails (all messages for a day will be combined and sent as one email per day)

(6) Moderated

[A2] Dave Shove's Progressive Events and Messages Mailing List (Includes the Calendar) (Green Party Oriented)

This list mails to the mn-prog-events list in A1 above. So if you are subscribed to mn-prog-events, you need not subscribe to this list. This list is archived at http://justcomm.org/mn-prog-events/

It includes the calendar, as well as notification of new events. Also, progressive messages. People who have an event or message mail it to Dave Shove. Dave Shove then emails it to his mailing list.

You can subscribe to mn-prog-events in A1 above and get Dave Shove's mailing list that way. Or you can subscribe directly to his mailing list by emailing Dave Shove at shove001@tc.umn.edu, and ask to be put on his Progressive Events Mailing List.

To post something to his mailing list (an event or message), simply email it to Dave Shove at the above address. If suitable, he will then email it to all his subscribers.

[A3] Peace Calendar (Charles Underwood). (Its all kinds of progressive events, not just war-and-peace)

This list mails to the mn-prog-events list in A1 above. So if you are subscribed to mn-prog-events, you need not subscribe to this list. This list is archived at http://justcomm.org/mn-prog-events/

Excellent, many many listings out to about 30 days so you can plan ahead! (and very succinct).

It may also be posted at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MinnesotaProgressiveCaucus. (I haven't checked lately -- one has to be a member of MinnesotaProgressiveCaucus to see what is posted there, and so no way to tell at a glance).

You can subscribe to mn-prog-events in A1 above and get the Peace Calendar that way. Or you can subscribe directly to the Peace Calendar -- each posting of it has instructions on how to subscribe to it.

[A4] DFL Progressive Caucus Events Newsletter (much more than DFL Progressive Caucus events)

Unfortunately, this excellent list does *NOT* mail to mn-prog-events list (Please suggest to the mn-prog-events list-owner that his list subscribe to this list so you don't have to subscribe to this list separately).

Excellent, many listings out to about 15 days so you can plan ahead! (and descrptions are good and complete).

Subscribe by sending an email to DFLProgressiveCaucus-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
or by going to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DFLProgressiveCaucus/join
(Unfortunately, you have to join or subscribe in order to see past messages, so no easy way to get a sneak preview)

[A5] ProtestNet

http://protest.net In Drew Hempel's words: "Protest Net is a Twin Cities' activist-created, TC-based website for what it's worth (we're Central U.S. on the site). Most importantly as a website it enables the ability to finally coordinate "protest-organizing" actions in the Twin Cities."

[A6] Dem-MN Email list (Democratic Party Oriented)

This is a fairly low-volume email mailing list (about 3 emails a week).
To sign up, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Dem-MN/
Or send a blank email to: Dem-MN-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

[A7] Twin Cities Community Connections Calendar

http://ccc.localevent.net. Sponsord by The Citizens League and the Humphrey Institute. Civic public policy and political events in the Twin Cities Metro area. Events are viewable via the www and you can choose to receive custom email event listings (you can customize the frequency of the mailings, groups whose events are sent, categories of events sent).

[B] Various Progressive Links

[B1] TCPJ - Twin Cities Peace & Justice Links (Minneapolis/St. Paul)

Index of politically progressive sites for the local activist community, at /SoHo/Cafe/7423/tcpeace.html

By the way, Lee's Twin Cities Progressive Index (was at http://www.leeweb.com/progressive/ ) that used to be listed here, no longer exists, But the Twin Cities Peace & Justice Links is a very worthy replacement.

[B2] Directories of National / International Progressive Organizations


[B3] Nygaard Notes - Twin Cities / Minnesota Progressive Newsletter (Weekly). And web site.

To Subscribe, visit the web site below, or write to Jeff Nygaard at: nygaard@nygaardnotes.org

The Nygaard web site at http://www.nygaardnotes.org contains every issue of Nygaard Notes there ever was. The site can be searched by TOPIC, by DATE, or by KEYWORD

[B4] Minnesota, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth Politics Discussion Lists Sponsored by e-democracy.org

[1] Minnesota e-democracy


[2] Minnesota Politics Announce

New low volume, moderated announcement-only service http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mn-politics-announce/

[3] Other e-democracy forums

- Currently theres ones for the following. See http://www.e-democracy.org/ on the left side for links. AND SEE http://www.e-democracy.org/mn-politics/

[B5] Some Other Progressive Mailing Lists.

There are several at http://progressivecaucus.net/network.asp None are specifically events announcements lists. They are mostly discussion lists.

[B6] Alternative Media - Radio Stations

[***] Air America Minnesota (Twin Cities) AM 950 *#*#*# http://www.AirAmericaMinnesota.com

Progressive talk radio 24/7. Hallelelujah!

[***] KFAI: Minneapolis 90.3 FM, St. Paul 106.7 FM *#*#*# http://www.kfai.org

Pacifica News: Mon-Fri 5am-6am, 12pm-1pm, 630pm-700pm. Locally Produced News: Mon-Fri 600pm-630pm
Democracy Now with Amy Goodman Monday - Friday 1200pm-100pm
Counterspin (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting) Friday 700pm-730pm
The above are my favorites. Check the www.kfai.org for the full schedule.

[*] Minnesota Public Radio http://www.mpr.org

Tries to present all sides of issues. Although sometimes it sounds like Minnesota Pentagon Radio (referring to pro-war rallies as "pro-troop" rallies) and sometimes it sounds like Minnesota Orwellian Radio (like running Walmart spots about how they have such great opportunities for their "associates"). But despite this and many other flaws, its much closer to fair and balanced than anything else on the air.

[*] 770 AM, Radio K (Twin Cities)

"Radio K is one of the best -- noncorporate stations on the planet" - Drew Hempel
www.radiok.org 612-626-ROCK (612-626-7625)

[*] Brainerd, MN - WWWI-AM 1270 AM (Air America affilitate)

[*] Brainerd, MN - WWWI-FM 95.9 FM (Coverage reaches Saint Cloud, Little Falls, and Wadena). Has Ed Schultz on 2pm-5pm. I don't know if its a progressive talk radio station but doubt it -- Schultz might be their token liberal.

[*] Ely and Hibbing, MN - WELY 1450 AM (Air America affilitate)

[*] Duluth-Superior, MN - KQDS-AM 1490 AM (Air America affilitate)

[*] Duluth KUMD 103.3 FM

[*] Northfield, Mankato, Rochester KYMN 1080 AM (website: none). Ed Schultz is on 2 pm - 5 pm. I don't know if its a progressive radio station or whether its a rightie radio station that has Schultz as its token liberal.

[*] St. Cloud KSVC 88.1 FM (www.kvsc.org)

[*] Fargo KFGO 790 AM (http://www.kfgo.com/talk/ed/ed.html) Coverage includes: Fergus Falls and Red River Valley. Ed Schultz is on 2 pm - 5 pm -- This is Schultz's home station. (This one also has Rush Limbaugh so its not a progressive talk radio station).

[*] Grand Marais WTIP 90.7 FM

[*] Morris KUMM 89.7 FM

[*] (maybe) Free Radio Twin Cities 93.1 FM - it is on the air only at certain times, and it's range is only a few miles. I don't know anything more about it (I don't know what times its on, where its located except somewhere in the Twin Cities -- Mpls? St.Paul? etc.), as I've never been able to hear it. Someone just emailed me about it. Try this: Free Radio Twin Cities 93.1 FM, program schedule

[*] (maybe) WCCO AM 830 Twin Cities and much beyond (www.wccoradio.com) -- its a very mixed bag but as of Oct 25, 2005 there are a couple I am aware of that progressives might find worth listening to: Jack Rice weekdays 12p - 3p. Jearlyn Steele Sundays 7p - 11p.

[*] (maybe) WFMP FM 107.1 (Twin Cities) (www.fm107.fm) - This is a mostly non-political talk station the last time I listended

[*] Check These Sites For More Radio Stations

Air America Radio (www.airamericaradio.com) and click on the "Find A Station" link.

Ed Schultz's Web Site (www.wegoted.com) and click on the "Our Affiliates" link.

[B7] Alternative Media - Newspapers, Websites

[*] Twin Cities Independent Media Center - web site and newspaper (both online and paper versions) http://www.twincities.indymedia.org/

Indymedia is a collective of independent and alternative media activists and organizations offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage of important social and political issues.

[*] The Free Press - a newspaper that aims to "liberate media in the Twin Cities". The Free Press is being distributed primarily in neighborhoods less likely to have internet access (i.e., Phillips & North Side in Minneapolis, East Side in St. Paul). [I think it is quarterly -ed]

[*] cursor.org - "Media Patrol" -- Minnesota progressive commentary about the local media coverage and news. Always very interesting and comprehensive. http://www.cursor.org/twin_cities.htm

[*] Arise Newpaper The Arise! Collective puts out a quarterly radical newspaper. It is distributed throughout Mpls and St.Paul and 5,000 copies are printed. For more info. on ads call ARISE! @ 612-871-7110 and/or e-mailing arisenewspaper@hotmail.com.

[B8] Some Other Twin Cities / Minnesota Progressive Organizations

This section has a few Twin Cities / Minnesota organizations / web sites that I recently found and didn't see on the Twin Cities Peace & Justice Links at the time I put these on. Be sure to check out the vastly larger listing at Twin Cities Peace & Justice Links

[*] Twin Cities Labor Party http://www1.minn.net/~elymn/   e-mail: elymn@net-info.com

(hits since August 8, 1999)
This page's URL: http://www.geocities.com/progree/index.html
or just: http://www.geocities.com/progree
(also known as http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Wetlands/7009 )
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