Baybe Chik's 
(may be crappy and take 10 years to load but at least I finally have one)



            Me in.....November? of 2000                          March 11, 2000                            March 14, 2003
            sitting in front of my computer              at my brother's wedding           

* Ok, so they aren't the best or most recent pictures.....but unlike the rest of the population,
I am chronically unphotogenic*

Anyways.......a little about me. I'm an 21/f from Bel Air, MD. I have 2 brothers (John, 38 and Matthew, 24) and two sisters (Trish, 38 and Michelle, 35). And before you ask, no Matthew and I were not accidents. I have a baby - my cat Sasha. She's a natural born moron, but hey, she's
mine. Her favorite activities include ramming head first into walls and mooning people with her unusually hairless ass. When I have time, I try do a lot of volunteering. I make the majority of my appearances at the National Aquarium in Baltimore and the SAFE AIDS Walks. I just joined the KEY volunteer network on base. I'm a pretty simple girl. I like to hang out with my friends whenever possible. Which isn't often considering most of them are scattered across the globe and have no time as is. I am a vegetarian for reasons that do not involve being politically correct, a hippie or an activist. I just don't like meat. As for sports, I LOVE watching baseball (GO ANGELS!) and like swimming, biking and ice skating. I LOVE to travel! I'll go on road trips whenever possible, funds providing. I'm not religious at all, and plan on never trying to be. I have an attention span that rivals that of a five-year-old (compliments of ADHD). I'm semi temperamental; usually in a great mood but can switch to bitch in a heartbeat. I have about 5000 different personalities, and my current one depends on my surroundings. I like doing active things, hate to be slowed down and never wait for anything. I'm intelligent to an extent (notice the multitude of spelling errors that are bound to be in here). This should pretty much sum it all up, if you have any other questions don't be afraid to ask.

My Bru-ther....Matthew
(Yes, I can spell. The above is an inside joke)

¤ More about me ¤

My Shoutouts :o)
 All The Small Things.......about me
 The Wonderful Secrets of Life
 A Few Pics
 The Funnies Page
New Year's Pics!!!!!

So why don't you sign my guest book?.............NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or you could just view it.

¤ Other Pages ¤

Jon's Page
 Justin's Page
Friends of mine from Germantown......crazy heebs :o)
*Just a joke....don't go getting all bent out of shape people*

- one of the best places for "recipes"
- best place to get pretty good last min language translations (passable, but


Other Links
*That I am just too damn lazy to find cartoons for*
Da Ebonics Page
Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville
Biggest Waste of Bandwidth
Semantic Rhyming Dictionary

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Last Updated : 4-2003