Birds of East Tilbury

When to Visit

How to find East Tilbury

What's About?

A Walk on the Sea Wall

Tilbury Check List

Other Sites in the Area

Stanford Warren & Mucking

Bird Links


On the Essex shore of the Thames, this small village, with its fort, church and pub, may not have the ornithological atmosphere of Cley or Titchwell. But on a good day - and there are many, even in an average year - its birding can deliver just as rewarding an experience.

A tally of 18 species of wader in a day compares with hotspots such as Minsmere or the north Norfolk coast at the start of the autumn migration. But this total was achieved without leaving Essex and only a few miles from the London boundary.

Like much of Thameside, the area has had more than its fair share of abuse. Gravel extraction, refuse disposal, uncontrolled motorcycling, and rough shooting have all left their mark.

But there is still an air of mystery around this historic shore. And it can always deliver an exciting day's birding.

Let us know what you find - your records  may help defend the area against future threats. The threat of an airport at Cliffe may have been averted but the impact of largescale planned housing development and the new deep water port on the old refinery site in Mucking Bay will be huge. As if the threat to the mudflats was not enough, there is discussion of major road links that would destroy the quality of grazing marshes such as Fobbing Marshes

Phone sightings to Birdline East Anglia:

0800 083 0803

For more information
Phone: 01277 373595
or 07770 452047 (mobile)