Wecome to Quantum Gooseberry's web page thingy



Quantum Gooseberry

Thank you, for coming to my page, hopefully it will tell u all u want to know, but if u have any suggestions e-mail me and let me know, or any comments can be sent to the same address. (No hate mail please or I will poor acid down the phone line and fry u... ) I would say sign the guest book... but I took it off line again, thank you anyone that did sign it originally but guest book world or whatever it's called didn't let most of the messages through.

About me (updated August 31st)

What I've been up too (updated August 19th)

My Local area... where I live

Meet my family

Photo album


My Art and Textiles



Tomatoes (New, April 14th)



 Octallet (New, April 14th)


 Thank You for visiting my page, hope it told u everything u wanted to know, If not then please mail me.

I can't think what to write in terms of copy right so i'll just say whatever it is u are wanting to do... just don't, thanks :)